Orbivem (Ore-bye-vem)

The King of Crows

Orbivem, referred to by the Holy Church as 'The King of Crows' or 'Soulkeeper', is one of the nine Gods of Order.   Orbivem is said the preside over all who die and judge their souls worthy to join the afterlife or be thrown back to live and suffer again. The King is said to employ angels called Reapers to do his work on the world, the leader of which is Lady Ravensworn. There are many death cults across the Lower Realms that worship not only the King of Crows but Lady Ravensworn as well, often depicting them in murals as lovers or husband and wife.   Not all souls are said to go directly to the King however, wicked souls are given to the Blackguard to face punishment for their crimes in life before the King gives ultimate judgement. Souls that are promised to The Devil are directly sent to the Eight Hells to face their fate.   Orbivem is often depicted as a gaunt or skeletal figure garbed in black robes and wearing a crow mask. He is often holding a lantern to guide the souls, a scythe to harvest the dead, or both.   His typical offerings are a cracked egg, a bone, and a feather tied into a small linen sack and left hanging from a branch on a tree growing within or near a graveyard.  

Other Cultures

The Southern Wilds

In the Wilds, Orbviem is worshipped as The Friend of Slumber. This offers some insight into the beliefs of the denizens of the Southern Wilds who have chosen to associate sleep and death as similar concepts.  


Among the dragonborn, Orbivem is called Keth'ilos (Keth-ee-los) which roughly translates into common as The Purple Jewel. Keth'ilos is the central head of Io the World Dragon, and as such is patron to the Gem dragons. The symbol of Keth'ilos is a purple crystal crown.  

Dwarven Faith

The Dwarves who have depicted Orbivem as deep bottomless pit called the Stillgrave. It is unclear to scholars whether the pit represents the God, the state of death itself or both viewed as one in the same. Though some insight could be gleamed from the fact that the symbol of Stillgrave is the Dwarven rune for 'Empty'.  

The Path of Udira'ja

In the far west in the land of Ciethe, Orbivem is worshipped as a minor deity in service the Crystal of Light called Mautankaar, the Boatman and is one of the six aspects of Light that were left by the Goddess of Light to protect her heart and her children on this world. Mautankaar is said to ferry the souls of the dead across the Astral Sea to join the goddess Udira in her paradise, as such Mautankaar is represented by an oar in their beliefs.  

Other Information

Divine Domains

Death, Grave, Twilight

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Tome of the Church

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Bird Skull with a Crown

Tenets of Faith

1. Death is inevitable, Celebrate life
2. Fear not, the end is another step on the path
3. Pride and wealth cannot excuse you from judgement


Donum'ua Exae (End of the World) (20th of Low Night)
Feast of the Gods (10th of Low Day)
The month of Low Dusk is referred to as The Crow's Hour and is seen as His month of observance.
Divine Classification
God of Order
True Neutral
Ruled Locations