Realmwide Factions

Realmwide Factions are groups and organizations that exist across most or all of the city-states and the Borderlands.  These organizations tend not to be beholden to any specific government or people and act with the intent of putting ideology above territory and borders.   The Realmwide Factions for the Lower Realms includes:
  • Adventurers Guild - an organization devoted to distributing aid through the hiring of adventurers and mercenaries.
  • Mages Guild - Guild formed to handle the registration, monitoring and distribution of services of all magically awakened folks.
  • Thieves Guild - a guild devoted to criminal activities and serves as a neutral ground for the myriad of criminal groups across the Realms.
  • Kingsguard - a group of nobles who aspire to return the Lower Realms to the ideals of Aldamere.
  • Order of the Watcher - a paramilitary group devoted to purging evil from the Realms and acting as oversight for the Holy Church.
  • Archivists - a group of scholars, researchers and adventurers devoted to preserving lost knowledge from before the 4th Age.
  • Xhan'dal - a secretive organization that aims to increase their influence and power through information and secrets.
  • Rangers - a group with aims of preserving the balance between civilization and nature.