Rengulus (Wren-goo-ul-us)

The Devil

Rengulus, referred to by the Holy Church as 'The Devil' or 'Sindealer', is one of the nine Gods of Order.     The Devil is figure that is both feared and respected among the faithful. His visage is often that of a fiery figure clad in metal armor from head to toe with a sword in the place of his right hand. This may explain his commonly used symbol of a fiery gauntlet or hand balled into a fist, the Devil’s missing piece.    While he represents the darker aspects of human nature such as selfish desire and conquest, he is also regarded as being the patron god of competition as well and statues of him are often constructed in places of prominence in arenas. Many a soldier and general give prayers to the Devil on the night before a battle, and those who deal in politics will often have a shrine to the Devil stored away in some corner of their home.   In the Holy Church and a number of other faiths, he is often viewed as the negative half of the soul but isn't regarded as inherently unwanted.  That acknowledging that the Devil dwells in all of us is necessary to finding a healthy balance in life.   His typical offerings are a bag of copper pieces with blood spilt on them and buried at a crossroads.

Other Cultures

The Southern Wilds

In the Wilds, the Devil is called the Father of Lies and is generally viewed as a God that preys on the foolish and easily tempted with sweet lies that would lead them to their demise.  


The Dragonborn of the Athasian Expanse refer to The Devil as Charbel the Red Hand.  The brother and opposite of Aurix'siid, Charbel is the second head of Io the World Dragon and is often viewed as the father to Tiamat, Bahamut's wrathful sister.  

Dwarven Faith

The dwarves have depicted The Devil as a deity they call Rocksplitter.  They view the Rocksplitter as a force of tribulation and temptation that seeks to break the weakest among them and elevate the strong and durable.  The Rocksplitter is not viewed as an explicitly negative force but one that seeks to help people grow by targeting their vulnerabilities and aiding them in getting past them.  Rocksplitter is symbolized in the Dwarven faith as the rune for the word 'Sunder'.  

The Path of Udira'ja

In the Kingdom of Ciethe, the Devil is not actively acknowledged as a God as those who walk the Parth of Udira'ja do not believe in evil aligned Gods and instead choose to believe that evil is something only born in mortal hearts and minds.  Some schools of thought suggest that the lesser deity Haidalaan the Tribulation may be an amalgamation of both The Devil and The Blackguard into a single entity.  

Other Information

Divine Domains

War, Trickery


The Hand of Deoderyx

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Tome of the Church

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fiery Gauntlet

Tenets of Faith

1. Glory exists for all who have the strength to claim it.
2. The means to fill the hole in your heart is out there.
3. Many will oppose you, conquer them and be plentiful.


The third week of Low Dusk is called Demon's Fall and is often celebrated with physical competitions of sport.
Feast of the Gods (10th of Low Day)
The month of High Dusk is called the Devil's Harvest and is consider His month of observance.
Divine Classification
God of Order