The Dark North

Cold and brutal are the words most often used to describe the harrowing cliffs and icy plains of the Dark North. The region gets its name from the minimal amount of sunlight the region receives from the primal fire that crosses the disc each day. Between it's location to the farthest edges of the Disc, to the dense omnipresent cloud covers that circle around the mountains, the regions lack of light is one of its most defining features.   That doesn't mean that the area is uninhabitable though. The Veston Imperium has made a home among the frozen crags of the region. The Ice Dwarves can also be found high in the mountains or hunting across the plains atop their griffons. A few goliath tribes and even small groups of shifters and orcs have scattered camps across the Dark North as well.  

The History of the Dark North

While there is no recorded history of the Dark North dating back to the First Age of the Disc, the earliest expeditions by the fleeing human population that would eventually established the Imperium noted that there were ancient stone structures in places around the region, leading some to theorize that another precursor race may have once called the region home before the rise of the Elven Empires.

Age of the Star

While technically the Dark North fell under the territories controlled by the Magistress Athasia, the Elven Empires never developed any colonies, work camps, or cities in the region. It was because of this that went the magically-severed human slaves of Athasia rose up and broke free from their bonds, that they began a great march toward the Ice Fall Passage to pass through the Murgathak Mountains and hide in the Dark North. It was in the late years of the Age, around 2A1980, that a young adventurer discovered the first Magithyst caverns.

Age of Fire

Following the discovery of Magithyst along with the inventions the legendary adventurer would make with the powerful crystal would lead to the MagiTech Revolution (circa 3A40) and the Conquests of Unification (3A52 - 3A61) that would lead that same adventurer to being crowned the first and only Immortal Emperor Codalix Veston and the founding of the Imperium's capital of Veston in 3A62. After the founding of the Imperium, much of the Age of Fire was spent overhauling their society to further pursue newer developments in MagiTechnology. The lack of the general populations ability to tap into the flow of magic became a boon during this time that led the Dragons that brutally controlled much of the continent south of the Dark North to simply ignore the people of the Imperium, leaving them to develop in peace.

Age of Heroes

The 4th Age was the beginning of the Imperium's quest of conquest. Branching out from beyond their frozen walls using a radical new MagiTechnology known as Airships, they were able to traverse over land and sea with little effort. They began by exploring other continents, eventually establishing a colony on the distant lands of Udi'ra which rapidly expanded as they successfully claimed land from the nearby kingdom of Cie'the. While there are some reports of the Imperium bases being established in the Southern Wilds, the rest of Andu'ra was relatively untouched by the Veston Imperium's conquests. Scholars have long debated on the reason for this including a secret treaty with the Kingdom of Aldamere to the Imperium's advanced weaponry still not being a match for the Dragonborn of the Athasian Expanse. At this point it is impossible to say but it is safe to claim that through just any new territory gained in Udi'ra, the Imperium was able to nearly double in size.

Modern Age

With the fall of the Aldamerian Kingdom, the Imperium has begun to test the waters of pressing into the Lower Realms. There are reports that come in every few years or so from the Borderlands of spying an Imperium airship flying in the sky. Tales of Imperium forts being established along the coastal areas are quite common as well though no one has ever provided any solid evidence of it. Many fear its simply a matter of time before the Imperium tries to lay siege and carve themselves some territory in the fertile fields of the southern lands.

People of the Dark North

While not as diverse as the Lower Realms, the Dark North and the Imperium defy the stereotype that the whole of the north is angry humans. The land is admittedly more diverse in its wildlife and geological wonders than its people, but a number of groups have come together to call the North home.  

Imperial Humans

For the Player Race, see Imperial Human
Former slaves of the Second Age that fled North to escape their masters but their children and children's children still carry the scars of those unhappy times. The Elven rulers of the time used the population as subjects in a cruel experiment that permanently severed their connection to the natural flow of magic in the world, and worse yet it was found that this damage was passed on genetically to all of their descendants. To this day, the humans of the Veston Imperium cannot naturally wield magic in any capacity and must rely on their advanced MagiTechnology to mimic the use of the arcane. Still, the Imperial Humans are a brilliant and industrious lot who have found ways to live with their impairment as well as amongst some of the harshest environments in the world.  

Ice Dwarves

The Ice Dwarves emerged from the cold mountains in the early days of the Age of Heroes. How long they had been dwelling within those cavernous halls is impossible to say. When they first made contact with the Imperial Humans, it was the first time any of them had encounter a dwarf and so they were treated as honored guests of the Immortal Emperor. The Imperium was impressed with the dwarves' knowledge of runic magic and stone work and likewise the dwarves were astonished by the Imperium's use of Magithyst. A treaty was made that offered the heights of the mountains the Ice Dwarves and their griffons in exchange for their aid in improved and safer mining techniques for the Empire. Since then the two have had a healthy relationship as neighbors through the Modern Age.  

Reghar Tribes

A group of nomadic goliath tribes that wander the western shores of the North. While they don't have any hostile relations with the other groups in the region, they choose not to directly interact with outside groups. The Reghar tribes are unique in that there are a number of small tribes that each worship a different animal totem but operate under a single council of chiefs.  

Kruulk Clan

A clan of bugbear goblinoids that hunt along the slopes of the eastern mountains and the tundras of the eastern vale. Their exact numbers are unknown but its been suggested based on their hunting habits there are far more of them than is normally witnessed. The Kruulk are actively hostile against the other inhabitants of the region, so most information comes from outside observations.

Faiths of the Dark North

While it is fairly uncommon for the citizens of the Imperium to practice any kind of faith due to generations of resentment against the Gods for the events of the Age of the Star, it is not explicitly outlawed. Therefore it is not impossible to find people that are either natural born citizens of the Empire, or immigrants who have applied for permanent status either as indentured service or second class citizenry, to practice the tenants of the Holy Church. This is all self-organized religious practice however, the Imperium and the Immortal Emperor have not hidden the desire to keep the Holy Church as an establishment out of the Dark North. The message has been clear: you can practice any faith you want, but the Church is not welcome here.   The Ice Dwarves of the mountains however do still practice the dubbed 'Old Ways' of the Dwarves of the Deep. The faith follows a smaller pantheon of deities that focus on the tenets of creation and protection. This faith has also taken a surprising root in the city of Onsingerion where some have regarded it as a more sensible compromise between maltheism and blind worship of Gods that left the people to suffer at the hands of the Elves.

Notable Locations


Population: Aprox. 30,000
The capital city of the Veston Imperium and a testament to MagiTechnology engineering. The city is built within the heart of a volcano and utilizes the geothermal energy to heat the entire city. The massive underground city is home to a thriving industry of science, art, and unique architecture not witnessed outside the Dark North. A good deal of the strength of Veston comes from the Forged, who have lent their aid in making the city not just the center of human survival in the inhospitable frozen waste but a thriving metropolis.


Population: Aprox. 12,000
Onsingerion is often referred to as The Old City. It is the oldest still standing human settlement in the Dark North and the former capital before the rise of the Veston Imperium. The city has become a bastion to those who embrace 'the old ways' and prefer not to rely on the Forged or MagiTechnology to live. While many are not extreme in their beliefs, some luddite cults have been found to pop up in Onsingerion from time to time.


Population: Aprox. 5,000
Albrek is the port city for the Imperium and acts as a depot for both sea-faring vessels as well as the airship fleet - The Black Storm. The city is also home to a thriving fishing and whaling industry as well as the one city where outsiders are permitted to dock and trade directly in the Imperium's territory. This increased traffic and likewise threat to the security of the Imperium as well as the ports has aslo made Albrek into a military outpost.


Population: Aprox. 6,500
Mirdana is the central Imperial city of the Western Coast. It is home of the MagiTechnology Research Institute where much of the experiments in new uses Magithyst. This includes a number of Geothermal power centers, the main research facility, and also was the birthplace of the Forged. Once a technology is deemed safe for general population use, it is brought to Veston for widespread implementation among the populace.

Mines Audorn & Becherek

The vast subterranean mines of Audorn and Becherek were built as the primary source of Magithyst crystal. The Prime Shaft of Audorn is in fact the historical location where the Immortal Emperor discovered the potent crystal. The mines descend nearly into the Deep and some areas actually do break into the Deep. In accordance to the treaty with the Ice Dwarves, any tunnel that pierces into the Deep is handed over to Ice Dwarf oversight to help preserve their ancestral homeland. The miners and their families all live within the underground bases above the mines, and the job is said to be well treated. The mined magithyst and other vital ores are transported to Veston for processing via armed caravans or underground train.

Bound Egress

The Bound Egress is the name of a large underground highway system that connects Veston to the Western Coast that allows for the transport of goods, wares, military supplies and soldiers to Albrek. Supposedly the Bound Egress is also where the subterranean train system connects into Veston as well.

Dark Ice Passage

The Dark Ice Passage was the dangerous route that the early humans escaped the Elven Empires' enslavement into the Dark North. When the Immortal Emperor took power, he ordered the tunnel collapsed as both an act of defense from potential southern invasion and as a declaration of the Imperium's sovereignty.   The tunnel was historically called the Ice Fall Passage due to its icy slopes and stalactites, but was renamed on maps in the mid 3rd Age to promote the great danger posed by the threat of nations beyond the Southern borders of the Empire.

Outpost Commands

Scattered throughout the Dark North are a number of tall spires that serve as command outposts for the Imperium's military. They are there to identify threats, coordinate military units, and direct caravans. The towers also serve a secondary purpose. They are relay towers for messages sent crystal transmission. A technique pioneered by the MagiTechnology Research Institute that focuses a shard of MagiThyst to transmit and bounce a signal through the transmitters to create fast communication between the cities and outposts of the Imperium. This technique requires interpreters called 'Speakers' that are trained to understand and translate the signals through MagiTech implants.


  • Dark North
Alternative Name(s)
The Veston Imperium, The Empire
Location under
Population: 60,000
  • Imperial Humans (90%)
  • Dwarves (Ice) (8%)
  • Other (2%)
  Capital: Veston   Largest City: Veston     Languages: Imperial, Common, Dwarven     Currency: None. (Accepts standard coin for trade)   Government: Monarchy   Founded: 3A62