The Flow of Magic

The Flow of Magic is a natural law of the Great Disc that was created at the end of the First Age during the Great Sundering when the Gods of Order split the creation magic saturated world into the Primal Planes and the Prime Material Plane.   The system works as such: 

Step 1: Wild Magic

Creation Magic is drawn by the roots of the Feywild and is grown into Wild Magic by the native fey.  This magic in its raw nature is unpredictable, but is refined into arcane magic when siphoned out of the Feywild.  

Step 2: Magic

Drawn by the vacuum created by the Shadowfell, Wild Magic is siphoned out of the Feywild and refined into Arcane Magic.  As it's drawn toward the Shadowfell, the magic is caught and begins to circulate in the Prime Material Plane.  Traveling through the river-like leylines that run across the Great Disc.  This magic is either consumed by spellcasters or eventually settles and loses potency leading to it being drawn to its next destination.  

Step 3: Dead Magic

The used magic or settled magic from the Prime Material Plane is finally drawn into the vacuum of the Shadowfell where it takes on a new state of being "Dead Magic", which is useless to nearly everyone with the exception of those who have mastered the art of utilizing Dead Magic in the Shadowfell.  Those who have, much like the Fey and their wild magic, have physically and magically become bound to the plane of shadow and are forever changed because of it.  When Dead Magic is used, or is allowed to naturally decay, it breaks apart and the raw dormant essence of magic dissolves back to whence it came.  

Step 4: Creation Magic

The dormant essence of magic fades back into the Aetherial Plane where it is reinfused with the raw potent energy of creation that has since been locked away here by the Gods of Order.  There in this strange realm of pure magic does it once again become Creation Magic - the building blocks of the universe - and awaits to be drawn out by the roots of the Feywild once more.
Metaphysical, Arcane