
Titans are sometimes called "The First Children" of the Elder Elemental.  True to their name, they were titanic creatures ranging from hundreds of feet tall to over a mile.  According to the mythology about the Elder Elementals early experiments as handed down by the Holy Church, the Titans were infused with the strength of Elementals, but were not native to the Elemental Planes themselves.  They were created from the raw materials of the Underworld and then infused with the blessings of the Chaos by their creator, similar to how the Gods of Order bestowed life on the surface of the disc.  However, the Elder Elemental had little patience and would lose interest frequently resulting in massive malformed creatures with great power and greater hatred for their own existence.   Interestingly, outside of the Church's teachings, some archaeological expeditions into ancient ruins destroyed during the 3rd Age have revealed long forgotten wall engravings that depict similarly massive creatures used to wander the surface of the Great Disc. In this transcriptions that pre-date the establishment of the Holy Church, these beings are referred to in Old Elvish as "Shapers".  Why these Shapers were on this side of the Disc when the Titans were known and corroborated to have originated in the Underworld by both the Church and then oral history passed down by races who once lived in the Underworld is unknown.   A piece of history that has been established by the passed down stories and histories of multiple former denizens of the Underworld however is the tales of how merciless, cruel and overwhelmingly powerful the Titans were.  This ultimately ended in an event known as the Titan Wars, in which the children of the Elder Elemental fought with each other to secure a future for each of their kinds.  It is believed that many if not all of the Titans were destroyed by the end of the conflict, and led to many Genasi and Giants including the legendary Storm King fleeing to the surface.