Veritrina (Vare-ah-tree-nah)

The Word

Veritrina, referred to by the Holy Church as 'The Word' or 'Truthspeaker' is one of the nine Gods of Order.   The Word is often depicted as a golden angel carrying tomes of wisdom or a torch to light the way to knowledge. She is patron goddess of almost every school and library in the Lower Realms. Even in the halls of Brighthurst where worship of the Gods has fallen out of favor you will find The Word’s mark engraved on pillars and archways and prayers given to 'The Great Archvist' as she is called in academic circles.   The Word is locked in a constant struggle with her neighboring goddess, the Whisper. It’s said that the two have been in a constant back and forth battle over the access of knowledge since the dawn of time. That said, many acolytes of the Word also acknowledge and serve the Whisper, with the understanding that knowledge is for all but secrets must be kept for the safety of all as well.   Her typical offerings is a paper tag with a piece of wisdom or a truth written on and then tied to a tree branch with yellow ribbon. Most villages and towns have a designated tree for offerings to Veritrina.  

Other Cultures

The Southern Wilds

In the Wilds, Veritrina is worshipped as the Teacher of Truth, the preserver of wisdom and protector of children. Her symbol is just an open eye.  


Among the Dragonborn, the Word is worshipped as Lex'Orn whose name is roughly translated as The Silvered Truth. She is depicted as being the Right Eye of Io the World Dragon and everything that Io sees, she sees. Her symbol is a dragon eye, traditional in silver.  

Dwarven Faith

The Old Ways of the Dwarves have depicted Veritrina as the goddess Rune Mother who first taught the ancient stone golems how to carve the magical runes that brought stone to life and infused them with magical power. The Rune Mother is represented by the Dwarven rune for 'Magic'.  

The Path of Udira'ja

To the people of Udi'ra who worship the Crystal of Light, Veritrina is worshipped as a lesser goddess known as Satimaan, the Radiant Truth, who is the guardian of the great goddesses' blessed teachings and the patron of the priesthood. Her symbol is a golden scroll.  

Other Information

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Arcana


The Book of Exalted Deeds

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Tome of the Church

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Open Eye in a star or sun

Tenets of Faith

1. Knowledge should be shared.
2. Truth will light the way.
3. Wisdom given is wisdom already earned.


The Arcane Conjunction (10th of Low Night)
The Feast of the Gods (10th of Low Day)
The month of High Dawn is considered The Word's Lecture and is seen as Her month of observance.
Divine Classification
God of Order
Neutral Good