Klonghyr Kharne

Klonghyr Kharne (a.k.a. Asmodeus' Reject)

Few individuals can say that they are on the same level as the Dragon Overlords. Even fewer can substantiate a claim with undeniable proof. For a time, such a person existed within the borders of Chromaticos. For years, the man known as Klonghyr terrorized the population across the continent, hunting down whomever he pleased, pillaging whatever town he came across and single-handedly repopulating the Kharne Clan. Despite the carnage that the gnoll brought, the chromatic overlords found themselves in a rare position: an inability to act. While one gnoll would never be a problem, Klonghyr's otherworldly stature and abilities, combined with the sheer numbers of his clan made it an impossibility them to take the gnoll on by themselves. Without some form of aid, it would be suicide for a single Overlord to make an attack against the clan. Luckily for them, an opportunity for them to not only rid themselves of Klonghyr, but another thorn in their side, presented itself after some fifteen years of Klonghyr making a mockery of them.

Birth and Clan Control

At the time of Klonghyr's birth in 3006, the Kharne clan was in its twilight. The era of gnoll mercenary groups was reaching its end due to the building of an army for each region, which resulted in the steep decline. While the Kharnes had managed to survive via small-time jobs, guerilla raids and other subtle attacks, their numbers were dwindling all the same. Klonghyr's first years were a struggle to survive. At times he'd have to resort to cannibalism upon some of his other, less fortunate clan members. But, something about the cannibalism jumpstarted a growth spurt within the child gnoll. By his third birthday he had grown to over six and a half feet tall, and he was heavier than his father. His muscle mass increased exponentially, and he ceased wearing any form of top clothing. The grown body required even more sustenance to avoid hunger, which led to even more cases of cannibalism, which further fueled the abnormal growing.
Taller, stronger and faster than anyone his age. Hell, even more than half the clan. That boy is going to take us places. Hopefully right into Virdio so I can stick my foot up the overlord's ass.
— Kharne Patriarch
Klonghyr's father continued to train his son, even as his growth raged out of control. While he was uncoordinated, clumsy and foolish, his father managed to turn the boy into a stone-hearted killer lacking remorse. And the payoffs of such training were immediately beneficial to the clan. For every gnoll foot soldier that could take on one guard, Klonghyr was worth five. He tore through standard guards in town with ease, allowing the rest of the clan to focus their efforts on the rewards. Casualties dropped and for the first time in decades, the birth rate and life expectancy of the clan rose. When their clan name began to receive the notoriety of the days of old, bounty hunters came looking for them. And Klonghyr slaughtered every little group of them that came knocking upon the clan's doorstep.
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Despite being a brutal killer, Klonghyr also had a deft mind and shocking emotional intelligence. Whatever odd growth spurt he had incurred hadn't drained any potential intellect he could have had, instead it was also enhanced. He could ready body language with ease, pick apart arguments with logic and reasoning. If he had been born into any other family, he could have made a half-way decent politician.

Eight years later, Klonghyr was blessed with a baby brother. By now Klonghyr had matured into a full-grown, massive gnoll that outmatched everyone in the physical size. He was also ready to take the reins as clan leader, which he would obtain quicker than he had planned. A short time after his brother was born, a raid that Klonghyr and his parents went on took an unfortunate turn. His parents were killed, as was the rest of the raiding party that accompanied them. As the lone survivor, Klonghyr was now the only one who could lead the clan. While there were a few naysayers who believed he was still too young to lead, he quickly put them in their place. He made sure they were an example for any other potential dissenters to his rule. The clan was his and his alone.

Higher Purpose

Regular readers may unveil the spoiler. To my players, do not do so if you value the campaign.
At some point in his early control of the clan, Klonghyr was visited by a divine being. The divine being spoke with him for hours, detailing the events of the future and what was to come to Draconia. It spoke of crumbling relations between the lesser and higher races, a massive civil war that would ravage the continent, and even an interdimensional conflict that would destroy Draconia and end the world. The catalyst that would start this turn of events would be his younger brother, Torvin, becoming the vessel of Yeenoghu. The being, who revealed his name as Lawrence Rowl, offered to end the potential threat in that moment, by killing Torvin while he was still young. But Klonghyr's love for the only direct family he had left at this point was abundant, and he refused to allow such an outcome. He instead offered another possible solution.
    He would keep control of the clan by raising Torvin in such a way that Torvin would refuse the ways of the clan. Already he had seen signs that Torvin was not the same as the rest of the gnolls in the clan. He was gentle and controlled, not bloodthirsty or sociopathic. All he would need to do was continue pushing him towards a more pacifist mindset and Torvin would never go down the path of becoming a vessel for the demon lord of gnolls. Despite some hesitation, Lawrence reluctantly agreed under the condition that he would watch over the brothers to make sure that the future he had detailed would not come to pass. The two parted ways amicably, both with the hope that such a tragic future would be avoided. And so Klonghyr returned to the clan grounds, his resolve steeled to protect his precious younger brother.


After years of causing havoc across Chromaticos, the Kharne clan began to lose its luster once again. The regional armies were gaining strength as a result of integrating mercenary groups into their ranks as individual units. Despite the increased numbers of the clan from Klonghyr reproducing nonstop for several years, they began to dwindle down until only a couple dozen gnolls remained. Infighting also began to decimate the clan, as Torvin started to splinter the already desolate group into a pacifist secondary faction. Klonghyr still controlled a majority of the clan, but Torvin's more tactical approach to raids and battles was beginning to draw members of Klonghyr's side over. In order to fix this, Klonghyr and several of his children slaughtered a majority of the pacifist faction, using it as a display of what treason and unloyalty would bring to future deserters. This would only push Torvin further away from his brother and remaining family, seeing the savagery that they brought.
  One day, an emissary of the Council of Dragons approached the clan grounds. They brought an offer to the clan that Klonghyr knew he would have to take: The council would agree to leave the clan to their own devices for one year. No bounty hunters, mercenaries or soldiers would make an effort to track and kill them. It would be the perfect chance to repopulate. He could ravage villages again, travel up and down the continent taking prisoners and sacrifices. All he had to do was kill Simeon Tinderhoof and his entourage of guards. During the past decade he had apparently been causing a number of issues in the political sphere. This would also be a great way to end the Tinderhoof line, as the rivalry between them and the Kharnes had begun to die out.   After some planning and a meeting with collaborator Rey'viri Lightfeather, they set off to complete their job. What they didn't expect, however, was that Simeon and his guards were also capable fighters. The clan was wiped out, including Klonghyr, who was killed by Simeon himself. The only survivors were Torvin and Reyviri, who finished the job.


By some means of the deities above or even below, Klonghyr was resurrected 15 years later in the year 3045. He found himself inside a church of a village in the region of Briggs, surrounded by some of his own resurrected children, as well as his younger brother's group. He knew the reason for his rebirth was something beyond his own understanding, but it also meant that he was capable of continuing his purpose from before his death. He taunted Torvin and his friends, even insulting Maru Tinderhoof, the son of Simeon who he had orphaned 15 years prior. The only thing stopping him from ending Maru as well was the arrival of Simeon's spirit taking a physical body, along with the Obsidian gemstone dragon making an appearance. Although he wanted the chance to end all three of these threats, the dragon used some form of psionic power to warp itself, Simeon, Klonghyr and his children into separate areas, far away from each other.
  Despite the setback, he knew he'd have his chances later. For now, he was alive again, and ready to terrorize his brother and the continent over.


Klonghyr Kharne

Brother (Important)

Towards Torvin Kharne



Torvin Kharne

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Klonghyr Kharne



Klonghyr Kharne

scourge (Vital)

Towards Maru Tinderhoof



Maru Tinderhoof

target (Trivial)

Towards Klonghyr Kharne



Relationship Reasoning

Klonghyr is the one responsible for making Maru an orphan.

Shared Acquaintances

Torvin  Rey'viri

Current Status
Trying to kill Maru
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
3006 EoD 40 Years old
Torvin Kharne (Brother)
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pecan/Almond Brunette fur
375 lbs.
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Cover image: by StaticStar1 via Midjourney
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