Ruxan (Roo-zhan)

The heartland of all dragonkind

The first nation of the chromatic dragons that was formed. Despite being the smallest of the five chromatic nations, Ruxan holds the most power amongst all in terms of sheer numbers and influence. This is in part due to the fact that it is occupied by the green dragons, often fabled for their cunning tongues and manipulative ways. Another factor towards this success is that the settlements within the nation lines do not discriminate towards lesser races like the rest of Draconian nations do. Within the Capital city of Virdio lies the heart of human, dwarf, elf and other lesser race business.

Ruxan, huh? That's green territory, y'know. Sure, they may have Virdio and you may make a living there. But is the possibility that you might fall amok of the endless forests enough of a risk? What about the Spectrals that prowl the plains? You make that journey, you're braver than most.
— Anonymous Dragonborn Citizen

The Lush City of Virdio

Virdio ? I've been there a few times in my travels. One of the best places in all of Chromaticos , I'll tell you that much. Just steer clear of the high-class parts of the city and you'll be fine.
— Urgrut, Traveling Dwarf Merchant
To many living in Chromaticos, life is a hardship-wrought endeavor that hardly ever rewards the struggles of the daily life: Slavery, racism, poverty and many others. For the lucky populations living in the many townships of Ruxan, this is a different case; even more so for those living in Virdio. The residents of Virdio -even the lesser races- enjoy a relatively peaceful life compared to the other regions. Due to the changes in government style, the new laws of the city have allowed the divide between lesser races and the Draconic races to begin deteriorating. While there are some naysayers that prefer "tradition", a majority of the populace prefers this new development, rather than returning to the outdated ways of the past. Amongst the majority is current mayor of Virdio and governor of Ruxan as a whole; Prya Wixis.
Virdio is the hub for all of Draconia's economy, even across Metallan. The economy allows a wide range of trading, including food, leather, metal, cotton and other necessities to a growing society at large. Professions and trade specializations also play a major part in the city's appeal to the masses. There are several areas in the different districts that cater to these professionals. Areas as such include: The Artisans Guild, The Merchants Guild, Gatherer's Garden and the Smithing Hall. While the bustling action of the economy is definitely stirred by the constantly evolving city, the main aspect that truly drives Virdio above all else is the fact that even lesser races can own businesses with full rights. In other regions of Chromaticos, while slaves can own a business, its true rights belong to the slave's owner, who can immediately acquire the business without any basis and assume complete control. The laws of Virdio prevent this action within city walls, and such provide a haven for anyone looking to jump into a profession to help jumpstart the economy.

Renovare Lake

The lake that Virdio sits atop of shines a radiant blue that reflects the clarity of the region. It is known for the crystal-clear water that is never tainted, even as the rampant pollution of a busy city like Virdo produces spills into its waters. The constant influx of natural magic from the number of green dragons and dragonborn purges the water of impurities and enriches it with nutrients. The resulting change causes the fish population to thrive in size and numbers, leading to it being a popular fishing spot as well. Legends say there is a massive fish that lurks near the middle of the lake, close to the cliffsides Virdio perches on. Sights estimate the fish to be at least 25 to 30 feet long. Some say it's a testament to the cleanliness of the water and the state of Ruxan, while others believe it is a starting symptom of a soon-to-be out-of-control ecosystem. No one will know until the future passes.

Portantis Canal

The Portantis Canal is a man-dug structure that serves as the most direct entry into the region of Zalesh. While it starts off as being clear and beautiful as a result of being connected to Renovare Lake, it quickly melds into a muck and grime-filled mess. The connection between it and the swamp bog of Zalesh turns the water into a foul mixing pot of rotting flesh, wood and other material that leaves the air ripe with stench. It is not uncommon to see the floating corpses of fish or other animals that fell astray into the bog and met an unfortunate end. Despite the abomination that stands against all that is natural, this canal is frequently used a number of times each day by those seeking to get into Zalesh. It is fast, safe and cost-effective. It is a one-way trip, however, and many people lose their lives trying to come back to Ruxan through the canal, either on foot or by boat going upstream.
I'd sooner drink a waterskin full of Portantis bog than ever go back to Alezar!
— A sad soul

Castle Aida

Castle Aida stands as the most prominent landmark in all of Ruxan, towering even over Virdio. The castle's tops can be seen from the peaks of the Mormento Mountains, and it's southern tower can be seen throughout all of Uzambwe. This is where the Green Dragon Overlord resides, looking across all of their country. The castle is massive in scale, with many towers built specifically for the purpose of storing treasure or roosting. It is not uncommon to find the Dragon Overlord perched upon or in one of the massive spirals.
  The current resident of the castle is not whom it is named after. The Dragon Overlord Aida mysteriously died a few years before, leaving the castle behind. Because she had no next of kin in place, or even a designee for a replacement, the council of dragons had to vote on who the next overlord would be. It wasn't until recently that a replacement was finally named: Nedra. Nedra was originally an assistant to the council, who had worked her way up from being a basic property owner. Her rule so far has been very nonchalant compared to Aida's. While Aida was proactive in trying to overturn or uproot the policies that the newer political generation was enacting, Nedra has turned a blind eye to it. Many within the council are concerned she has compromised their values or that she is in league with a batch of lesser races. Whatever her reasoning is, she is drawing the ire of her fellow council members, though the lack of any concern for this changing landscape has also drawn the attention of different political groups seeking any advantage towards their cause that they can gather.   The castle is guarded at all times by Nedra's personal Dracoguard. Not only that, but she is also accompanied by a Green Abishai, a gift from Tiamat herself. Any attempts on her life would be a silly endeavor unless a personal army were to accost her. Even then, you'd have to contend with her as well.

Towns and Cities of Ruxan


Trivium is a small crossroads town that sits between the south and northern halves of Chromaticos. The town itself is sparsely populated, only a few Dragonborn families and their servants live there, along with a number of unslaved lesser races. The town prospers due to its position, serving as a "last pit stop" before one makes the trek into the blue-ruled region of Uzambwe, or the harsh journey to Alezar and Briggs in the north.

It also functions as the checkpoint for those wishing to visit Castle Aida. Anyone taking the road to the castle is screened extensively before leaving the town, and any person or persons deemed too much of a threat are escorted away. This tends to keep away most would-be assassins or other plot attempts on Overlord Nedra's life, but this hasn't stopped some crafty and creative folks from attempting to subvert the town.


Feeding an entire continent takes a lot of produce and agricultural knowledge. While each region has some farming operations that alleviates some issues with food, this farming town produces enough crop to supply the rest of Chromaticos' needs. Its location between the natural water that flows from the Mormento Mountains and the magically purified water of Renovare Lake supplies the plant-life with every possible need. Combined with the sunlight that reaches every acre of the farmlands and more magic enriched soil, the factors combine to form a luxurious system of almost-endless produce. Vicus also serves as one of the few human "strongholds" within Chromaticos.   Many dragonborn and other higher races tend to stray away from Vicus due to the prominence of farming. For them, the manual labor is something best left off to the humanoids to serve their purpose. There are only two dragonborn families residing in Vicus, both whom have a more favorable stance towards humanoids in general. They oversee operations and solve any issues that arise within the community.


A former thieves' hideout that was underground. Eventually their plots and thefts accumulated too much of a bounty to let go and the Council of Dragons took matters into their own hands. The hideout was raided by the armies of Alezar and Uzambwe in a joint operation. The forces from Alezar handled the brunt of the fighting, while the Uzambwe troops excavated the hideout to bring it above ground. With the hideout now cleared, it has been used as a troop storing city ever since. When off-duty a number of military soldiers reside at the city to partake in gambling, drinking and other debaucherous activities.   Latebras is still a hotspot for criminal activity. The thieves that were not captured still inhabit the town, either in the excavated areas or some of the catacombs that lie beneath the surface to this day. Some say they're planning a recapture of the city, but these are just rumors. With the amount of armed military soldiers that are quartered, anyone taking such a risk would be running to their own death.


While Virdio is the capital and heart of Ruxan, there is one other place that is just as known. That would be the town of Litore. Sandwiched between the crisp ocean of the east coast and a clear lake with run-off of Ruxan's central river, it is the prime vacation spot for anyone in Chromaticos. The lake is a great spot for diving and swimming, especially for those with a phobia of the ocean.
For those more interested in beach activities, the ocean is a small foot trek away from the town's tavern. Speaking of the tavern, it is run by a conglomerate of different individuals, who all also have a stake in the town ownership. This conglomerate is also a rare display of unity between the dragon races and humanoids, as it is comprised of two dragonborns, a human, two dwarves and a gnome.  
I love Litore! A fine woman on my right, a mug of ice-cold brew in my left, all while I kick my feet up and enjoy other sexy woman frolicking on the beach. What else can you ask for? What do you mean I'm a chauvinistic pig?!
— Yetrik, battalion commander

Aeternum Forest

I've never been one for superstition. Ghosts, banshees, all that hobble gobbly bullshit. But that place... That place is not of this world. Something is wrong there. Every year it feels like it grows closer. I worry one day it will encompass all of Chromaticos if we don't burn it to the ground.
— Nedra, Green Dragon Overlord
"The Forest of Eternity" as some people call it, or Aeternum Forest in draconic. The forest sprawls over a huge portion of Ruxan, nearly spreading into Alezar and Uzambwe. For many, they look to the forest with mystery and intrigue. They wonder what secrets the forest could hold, who lives in it and where it came from? But for the unlucky few who have journeyed into it, they look at the display with fear and hate.
  According to first-hand accounts, the forest draws you in with its beauty. It displays lavish flora, unique fauna and untold wonders that makes the average traveler curious enough to enter. As you delve deeper into the trees, these wonders start to unravel and disappear. They are replaced by horrors of the mind that take shape to fit one's fears. As this mental assault takes place, a physical one also occurs while you are too enthralled within the mental warzone of your mind. After the dust finally settles, one finds themselves stranded within the forest depths, the only evidence that anything has happened being the scars left on your body. Of the people who have entered, only a few have made a second entry. Those that did, never returned.   There are rumors that something or someone inhabits the woods. That whatever or whoever is there are the ones causing such delusions and attacks. People have spotted some figures with pointy ears that resemble elves, but no elves have ever been recorded living in the area, even in the times before the woods were around. What could be the cause of all this trouble?

Dangers of Ruxan

Mormento Mountains

The far north of Ruxan holds these mountains that serve as the barrier of entry to Alezar. Before the (now) Abandoned Pass was found, there was no truly safe route through the mountain range. Within the crevices of the mountain hid a variety of creatures that even an experienced adventurer would have troubles with. Wyverns, hill giants, an occasional fiend or demon incursion, the list goes on. Even to this day there are no other routes besides the new Calcite Pass that can be considered without risk. Not only is there the risk of attack by creatures, the mountains themselves are temperamental and are prone to vicious rockslides without any warning. Many a life have been lost in the attempts to fully chart the winding canyons and ascending peaks, with little success.   Most recently the worry regarding the mountains is the ever-increasing chasms that grow in size. While they started off as little cracks, they have progressed rapidly over the course of three years, growing to massive divots and crevasses that impose a falling hazard to any non-flying person that dares venture close. Some believe that these are just portals to the Nine Hells or Abyss, hence why the area seems to be increasing in frequency of fiend and demon attacks.   Luckily for the travelers just looking to cross regions -like travelers, merchants and the like- the Calcite Pass is heavily guarded by armed soldiers and other workers mining the precious minerals and the namesake Calcite. It connects Alezar and Ruxan, allowing travel between the two in as little as a day and a half for the slowest groups.  

Funnus de Cinnis

One day when there's no more room in Avernus, the damned shall walk Draconia. We are living past that day. That cemetery is proof of that, enough.
— Ignacio, Priest of Bahamut
The latest threat to Virdio's existence is its own cemetery. Once held in such a high regard by the church for it's continued maintenance, a foul seed has sprouted within the area and infected the land. Its influence has sped up the process of decay from Zalesh to the south and it threatens to even manifest within a portion of Lake Renovare.   No one knows exactly when the affliction first happened, but many say they first saw the undead signs just a few months prior to the day. Now the cemetery stands uninhabited by all except the undead that have risen from the coffins and mausoleums. They stand in waiting, patient for the next time some sad sap enters through the gates so they can have their next feast.   Adventurers and soldiers are sent in on occasion to purge some of the undead numbers, though it seems to be lessening in effectiveness each time. The last report stated there was a "wicked, chilling laugh" coming from one of the larger mausoleums. The key to the plague may be there.

Miscellaneous Locations

Quelen Keep

This massive keep is the check-in and out point for the Calcite Pass. It doubles as a military base as well, housing a battalion of Ruxan's finest soldiers. They are stationed there strictly for the purpose of maintaining order and stability in the pass should any troubling event occur. Without the pass, Draconia loses access to one of its finest resources, but also the only way of traveling between Ruxan and Alezar.  

Calcite Pass

Located directly behind Quelen Keep lies the Calcite Pass. This mining tunnel is both the access point for Alezar and Ruxan's trading routes and cross-region business, but also as the main source of Calcite. Calcite is a rare ore that enhances magic and conducts energy.

Before recent technological updates, the usage of Calcite was rarer than the material itself, but now applications are being utilized in things such as weaponry and tools. For example, by imbibing a liquified Calcite crystal along with a restoring potion, its efficiency is nearly doubled.

Abandoned Pass

The previous connection between Alezar and Ruxan that has been deserted for many years. It was a safe route through the mountains, though it did have risk of being attacked due to its open nature. It was ultimately left behind to rot after a batch of giant mountain spiders followed a caravan through to the end and slaughtered nearly everyone, including the stationed guards.

With no way to reclaim it besides great soldier losses or the potential risk of losing the pass entirely if dragons were involved, it was left to be reclaimed by nature and sealed off.

East Coast Loading Co.

A large company on the east coast of Ruxan, just south of the abandoned pass. The humidity and hot temperatures keep the area protected from the spiders to the north, due to the fact there is very little natural cover that prevents them from being baked by the sun.

The company primarily operates by loading the boats that sail through the Portantis Canal back into the main river of Ruxan. Since there is no inlet that is wide enough to allow them to go back through, and they cannot return by going upstream through Zalesh, this company loads them onto caravans to take them back inland and resume voyages.

Tinderhoof Homestead

I wish no ill will towards the dragonborn that live amongst our numbers. But the time for change is NOW! We can no longer stand by while you trample on "lesser races" to fulfill some idealistic vision of society! We accomplish more together, rather than apart. Our military is greater now that we have allowed people like me to join. All you do by keeping us segregated is making an enemy for you to fight!
— Simeon Tinderhoof, prominent political figure and late father of Maru
Surely Vicus couldn't handle agriculture all on its own? Not at all. The other prominent farm in Ruxan is the Tinderhoof's farm. A rare case of being grandfathered into freedom, their line has always been farmers or another profession related to. The latest owner of the farm, Simeon, had actually branched out to explore politics. It was his vision of a unified society that ultimately brought Virdio and Ruxan as a whole to reduce their extreme laws and allow lesser races some political power. Unfortunately, he was killed in an accident, leaving his son, Maru, behind to run the farm.   Maru runs the farm with expertise, all the knowledge of his ancestors flowing through his brain as he operates the farm. But with his drafting into Draconian Defense Team 12, the farm was accosted by assigned workers who took control of operations in Maru's absence.


  1. Dragon Overlord
  2. Governor
  3. Councilpersons
  4. Mayors
  5. District Leaders


  • Represent the finest nation in all of Draconia
  • Accept those ailing and in need
  • Ostracize those that would do harm to society


  • Nedra's treasure hoard
  • Military strength of over three thousand soldiers
  • Fortifications in Castle Aida and Virdio


  • Draconian Defense Force Teams
  • Overlord's Elite Guard units
  • Nedra's Personal Guard
  • Draconian Military

Cordis Chromaticos


  • Ruxan Regional Map
    A regional map that highlights the entirety of the Ruxan region.
Founding Date
75 EoD
Geopolitical, State
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Draconian currency system of coins.
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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Cover image: by StaticStar1
Character flag image: by StaticStar1


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