Aire Alam

Deep into and through the Herme Urwald shortly after The Wash, an illness followed, which deeply affected and wiped out the remaining inhabitants of the jungle between the Syd Mountains and the Herme River. As the wash receded, in its wake were scattered debris and water-borne life that were stranded and died on the land in the jungle. Surviving civilizations aware of the Wash, speculate that the Aire Alam was borne of the decay of this debris. However no information is known as to how it spread, whether through the air, person-to-person contact, tainted animal or plant food, or transmitted via insect bites, of whch the insect population may have been significantly increased sue to the effects of the Wash.   Symptoms of Aire Alam are many and include fever and intestinal distress, but may also include skin lesions. Cures were attempted, but did little except to ease symptoms. Easing the symptoms, though did not seem to affect its deadly advance through the Herme Urwald. People fled their homes, eastward by ship or westward over the mountains. Quickly the word spread outside the urwald that these refugees seemed to be infectious. Ships were turned away from eastern ports and savagely sunk to avoid the spread of this unknown contagion. Groups crossed the mountains only to be met with the The Syd Herme Proclamation and the military might of The Wolverines to defend the Syd Mountains and the westside civilizations. It is presumed that 50,000 lives were lost due to the Aire Alam, whether it through contraction of the disease directly or in the brutal enforcement of policies to protect other civilizations from infection.


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