The Aire Alam Conflict

The Aire Alam Conflict arose from the attempted migration of those later referred to as The Foresworn through the Syd Mountains to the western coast or eastern ports. Word of the Aire Alam illness had preceded the mass migration and in fear the present residents of the western coast reacted to them with violence to protect themselves. The The Syd Herme Proclamation was issued and posted upon trails and passes in the Syd Mountains warning those from the urwald that they were not welcome due to the contagion. When the warnings appeared to become ineffective, The Wolverines were formed to enforce the proclamation. And they did so with brutal execution.   The conflict extended to ports east of the urwald where the foresworn took to flee the effects of The Wash by ship, only to be met with similarly ruthless enforcement of rules preventing these ships from making land at port or other areas. Existing merchant vessels were armed heavily to stop the migration of the foresworn as new and bigger warships were quickly commissioned to further carry out the task. Ships were issued specially designed flags to denote their stature as a protection ship to avoid confrontations with each other. No mercy was to be shown a shiup that failed to fly that flag.   Aboard each ship sat an officer whose soul job was to destroy the flag if the ship became infected or somehow overrun by the foresworn. These officers were so poorly trained to recognize the conditions to execute their primary duty that even commonly known afflictions like influenza and dysentery led these officers to panic and destroy the flag prematurely, thus commiting the crews to certain death.


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