The Syd Herme Proclamation

This document was created to prohibit travel through the Syd Mountains into the Herme Urwald. It setups up a boundary of five miles from the western foothills of Syd Mountains where no water can be drawn and no agriculture can take place. While the boundary is considered a conservative overreach, it was set in an attempt to isolate the plains and coastal citeis and villages on the western side of the Syd Mountains from the devastation in the Herme Urwald due to the Aire Alam.   Its purpose was to band together the western coast towns into mutual assistance to combat the influx refugees for the urwald and the spread of the Aire Alam. The document outlines the responsibilities of each of the towns, methods by which to communicate, to request their aid, and yet maintaining each town's, village's, or city's sovereignty. Requested aid may take the form of financial (loans and gifts), produce as availalbe or abundant, along with other types good or services that jay be in short supply in any particular loocation. The Wolverines and The Doyen were created to enforce the proclamtion and the details of these organizations is detailed within the proclamation.   Provisions for dissolving the tenets and obligations of the proclamation are also detailed within it. Since no confirmation of the abatement of the Aire Alam has been produced, the provisions remain in place and have for over 400 years. As these years have passed, addendums to the proclamation have been made to provide additional and onging duties for the Wolverines and Doyen to aid in those groups conotinued readiness.


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