Vincent the Insignificant

Vincent was born into a farm family. He had five brothers and six sisters all, of course, older than he and by far the "baby brother" as all of his siblings were at least fifteen years older. His father was killed in an ox cart accident delivering a corn harvest before Vincent was born; his mother died in childbirth. All omens pointed to Vincent being born a girl, so his mother on the eve of Vincent's impending birth signed documents distributing ownership of the family farm amongst his brothers. Thus upon Vincent's birth and recognition as a male heir, it was too late to include him in the legal division of the family assets.   Vincent was raised by his youngest sister with the love and care as if her own and with the full knowledge of his own true parentage. His brothers treated him lovingly and as fairly as they could, but they each in turn struggled to survive working their meager holdings. As Vincent entered his majority the reality became apparent that redividing the original farm would only serve to hurt them all financially. He worked hand-in-hand with his brothers to help them, also helping with the homesteads of each of his sisters. For his efforts, his family rewarded him with what little they could in fair compensation, but Vincent knew this arrangement would not last forever.   Vincent attempted several apprenticeships, each in turn met with little success. Not outright failure, but his work was never distinguished enough upon which to rely or to pursue to journeyman status. From baker to butcher to animal husbandry, Vincent just could not master enough of the skills needed to pursue these occupations. However, Vincent did excel in hardwork and stamina to work long days on little sleep. He took on extra work from the family farms, as a waiter, a cook, wherever he could lend a helping hand for wages that he keenly steeled away for some future endeavor he could find. Perhaps in the future as a merchant or innkeeper of his own establishment. He worked hard and he saved looking for that calling, that one fortuitous opportunity upon which he could succeed on his own.   And then one day delivering farm goods to the merchants in town, he overheard tales of the long forgotten Cacoaina that had flourished in the Herme Urwald and the idea struck. He would invest his own savings and create an expedition in to the urwald in search of and to reestablish a trade route through the Syd Mountains and bring back this coveted produce. So he set to task and set out on said expedtion. He was never heard from again and despite remembrance of family and a few friends, Vincent and his memory faded into insignificance.


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