
Cacoaina was a prized fruit grown in the Herme Urwald that has been lost to current civilizations due to the after effects of The Slide and the Aire Alam. Tales of the once prevalent and wonderful fruit have been handed down over the generations long accepted as myth on the western coast.   Purported to have been a mainstay of the populace with tales of its taste and nutritional value, many now believing it to be a source of longevity, if not immortality. This has lead to a few brave, or foolhardy groups to break the The Syd Herme Proclamation and secretly travel through the Syd Mountain passes to enter the jungle on the east. These excusions were well-funded and consisted of archaeologists, biologists, merchants, and adventurers all seeking their piece of the proverbial pie of secrets, information, and harvests thought to be hidden within the Herme Urwald in the more than four centuries since the The Wash and the emergence of the Aire Alam.   One such story, the first of many, is that of Vincent the Insignificant. None of these excursions have succeeded in their promise to return with the Cacoaina nor even information about the state of the lands of the urwald. New expeditions are discussed perioodicaly in the west, but no such excursion has been undertaken in over 100 years.


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