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The Black Lord

The prince of devils normally appears as a tall, charismatic, red-skinned humanoid with horns and glowing red eyes. It is said that those who see his true form do not live. Overall, he provides a beautiful look that captivates people. He always has a perfectly trimmed beard and wears expensive red and black clothing.   That Asmodeus wanted to take over the multiverse for himself is a known fact. He genuinely believes that a bright future awaits the multiverse, if he were to rule it. As arrogant this claim sounds, Asmodeus has the competence to back it up. When faced directly, he gives off the impression of a confident and eloquent man who is quite reasonable to talk with. In fact, it is quite difficult to see that he is an evil person past his manners. His confidence is real and rooted in his knowledge to be one of the most powerful creatures in existence.

Divine Domains

Divine: War
Arcane: Abjuration

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Upright black right hand, thumb and fingers together

Tenets of Faith

Asmodeus is the lord of envy, slaughter, vengeance, wrath, violence, and hatred. He is ruthless and punishes disloyalty. His threshold to reward someone is low, provided that someone is willing to sign away his or her soul. Once the mortal worshiper is dead, what awaits him or her is eternal servitude. His followers keep a strict hierarchy and wear a single black gauntlet. The Black Hand is a well known thieves guild that follows the lord of the hells.  


"Assert dominance and power over others. Show your strength of will in the image of the Black Lord."   "Compassion is unwarranted for the weak."   "Disorder and rebellion are to be punished severely."


Decril 22 - Winter Solstice, longest night
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Ruled Locations


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