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The layers of Hades are called the Three Glooms - places without joy, hope, or passion. A gray land with an ashen sky, Hades is the destination of many souls that are unclaimed by the gods of the Upper Planes or the fiendish rulers of the Lower Planes. Leaching away color and emotion, this gloom is more than most visitors can stand.


Gray land and gray sky throughout, with no sun, moon or seasons to break the monotony. Any color other than shades of gray would be obvious against the background but would fade to gray in a week or two. And like bright colors, beings would begin to fade also. At first they would feel the drain of emotions leaving only sadness and defeatism. In a tenday or two they would be trapped in Hades and their existence would begin to fade until finally they became larvae.

Fauna & Flora

Souls that arrive in Hades become larvae—sickly, human-headed worm-spirits.  Yugoloths can be found on this plane, along with other evil creatures, like night hags, harvesting larvae as a commodity for commerce.
Dimensional plane


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