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The Destroyer

His dogma is self-serving, demanding utter obedience from his priests and instructing them to spread destruction where they might. His divine realm is named the Towers of Ruin, or the Screaming Towers, as it is always surrounded by a mighty howling whirlwind.

Divine Domains

Divine: Tempest
Arcane: Evocation

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three lightning bolts radiating from a central point

Tenets of Faith

Talos rules the oceans/seas, wind, storms, and thunder/lightning. He seeks destruction, blesses pillaging, and demands obedience through might. The church of Talos is small by the standards of a greater deity, and his followers are fanatical in their love of destruction. The clergy have no formal hierarchy; obedience is enforced through might. Priests of Talos are fond of extorting sailors and farmers, threatening that Talos would bring destructive storms upon them if they did not placate the angry god. They are wont to pursue wealth and luxury with many indulging in acts of random or spiteful violence, pillage, and banditry. Talossan clerics are also committed evangelists who seek to gain converts through fear or the enticement of raw power.Unfettered sorcerers are inspired by his power.  


"Ruin. Conquer. Kill."   "Strike quickly and without reason. Blind the target with their own confusion."   "The weak exist to be crushed by the strong. Be the strong."
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Ruled Locations


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