Draconian War Military Conflict in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Draconian War

The Conflict


The Wyrm of Chaos and his allies had been causing chaos and destroying the lands for a long time. Who tf knows why i'll come up with something later.   Small groups of humans and Ancient Dragonkin tried to fight against Anaq for some time but to no avail. Eventually, neighboring human regions combined into a bigger coalition, forming the Dragonguard Alliance. The Ancient Dragonkin noticed this, and some of them approached the Dragonguard with an alliance proposal that having Ancient Dragonkin on their side would make them stronger.   They agreed to ally with these Ancients, and in 890, they set out to end Anaq's tyranny. Once the alliance was formed they had a disscussion about their plan of attack. Anaq himself was too big and difficult to deal with by the Dragonguard or the other Ancients alone. So they decided to take out Anaq's allies first before dealing with him directly.


The small alliance deployed units to various cities that were currently being attacked by Anaq's allies. This took about a year to finally rid of the attackers.   The Dragonguard also set up a temporary command on the large island that sits in a lake / river between Drakemyst and Arkynshire. This eventually became the permanent place for the Dragonguard's headquarters.


Anaq had a few Ancient Dragonkin close to his side, and the final battle took place in the coastal badlands of Arkynshire and lasted for several days.   The scars of the battlefield and remains of some of the Ancients can still be seen today.

The Engagement

During the battle, members of the Dragonguard and their allies engaged Anaq, with one of them being Hallard Null. He was able to remove one of the armored scales on Anaq's neck but was thrown off before he could do anything else. He kept this scale plate and it is now known as the Dragonscale Shield.


After the final battle was fought and all of Anaq's allies were killed, he was the only one left. Surrounded by the full force of the Dragonguard and their new Ancient Dragonkin allies, he had no choice but to surrender.


The devastation on the humans are still seen current day, though the humans have mostly recovered after 100 years.

Historical Significance


The Draconian Concord was created and ratified two years after the war ended.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Wyrm of Chaos imprisoned in Frostcrest.
Draconian Concord was created.


Wyrm of Chaos

Led by

Dragonguard Alliance

Led by


Handfull, but very capable and challenging to neutralize.
Many; both in the Dragonguard and with the Ancient Dragonkin.


All but the Wyrm of Chaos himself.
Many; both in the Dragonguard and with the Ancient Dragonkin.


  • Bring down the Dragonguard Alliance and anyone allying with them.
  • Stop Wyrm of Chaos' tyranny.
  • Humanitarian aid.

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