Dragonscale Shield Item in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Dragonscale Shield

The Dragonscale Shield is actually just a large plated scale that came from the Wyrm of Chaos. It is large and robust enough for humans to use it as a shield. It was taken from him to show the world that the Wyrm of Chaos still existed. Though technically not a "dragon" scale, it came from a wyrm, it is just commonly called the Dragonscale Shield.   Even though it was taken as more of a trophy or museum piece, Hallard Null still sometimes uses it as a shield.


After Hallard Null came back with the large scale, it showed the world that the Ancient Wyrm of Chaos still existed.
Item type
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Unique; only one.


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