Frostcrest Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!


Frostcrest is half boreal forest and half cold desert. It is located in the far north, just above Drakemyst. It contains a moderately and sparsely dense boreal forest. In the far north, there are some mountain peaks but mostly flat open ice plains. There are no settlements this far north; even humans have difficulty traveling through this area. Very little wildlife exists, as not many plants can survive in the harsh environment.   Within the ice fields are many large wyrm tracks left in the snow that have turned into small snow drifts. Spread out over the vast ice fields are cave openings in the ground, said to have been created by an Ancient Wyrm. These openings lead to an extensive cave system known as the Frostcrest Caverns.   At the edge of the ice plains is a moderately dense taiga forest, where typical animals like wolves, deer, rabbits, and other small animals live. However, they do not seem to venture into the ice fields, not even the birds. The forest turns into a sparsely dense forest to the west, just above the Drakeridge Mountains and stretches to the coast.


There are small mountain peaks in the far north, ice field plains between the peaks, and sparse taiga forest at the edge. Within the ice field plains are cave openings in the ground, leading to a vast underground cave system known as the Frostcrest Caverns.   The boreal forest is split between a moderately dense forest just above the Drakeridge Pass and a sparsely dense forest to the west, above the Drakeridge Mountains.

Ecosystem Cycles

There is no ecosystem cycle, it is perpetually winter here.


The climate is freezing, with lots of snowfall and frequent blizzards.

Fauna & Flora

Plenty of fauna live this far north, but they only live within the forests. Some birds travel into the ice fields to feed on the berry-producing flora, but not many. A small amount of fauna lives in the caverns.   There isn't much flora within the ice fields, just a few sparse woody bushes that bloom one week out of the year and one small berry-producing plant, the Cloudberry. Most of the fauna is in the forests and caverns.   Most of the flora, fauna, and fungi that inhabit the cave system are bioluminescent.

Natural Resources

There are no natural resources to be gathered from this environment—not even from the ground, as the deep permafrost is too difficult to get through. The crystalized rosin from the ceiling of the most northern mountain cave could have a use, but it is unknown. It is thought the wyrm that lives in the cave feeds on it, mostly for its water content.
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Location under
Included Locations

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


  • This location, its fauna, flora, mountains, ice plains, and caves, was entirely created for a writing prompt here on World Anvil.
  • There were plans for a far north cold desert before the writing prompt, however it was finally conceptualized for the prompt.
  • This location was inspired by the Arctic Spires biome in Subnautica: Below Zero.[1]
  • References

    1. "Arctic Spires" — on Subnautica Fandom Wiki; June 10th, 2024.    


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