Arkynshire Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Arkynshire (ɑrk•ɪn•ʃaɪr)

Arkynshire is the largest continent located in the southeastern region of Azlov. It is east of Ardenfell and is connected to the south of Drakemyst.   An extensive lake sits almost in the northern-central part of Arkynshire, just slightly to the west. A large swampy marsh is located in the southeastern corner of the continent.   Most of the human population lives in Arkynshire and Emberland.


Arkynshire does not have many mountain ranges, but it has plenty of rolling hills, plains, prairies, and meadows. There are also plenty of forests. An extensive lake sits almost in the northern-central part of Arkynshire, just slightly to the west. A large swampy marsh is located in the southeastern corner of the continent.


The climate of Arkynshire varies depending on the location. It is mostly temperate, with the northern section reaching tropical temperatures and the southernmost parts being colder.

Fauna & Flora

Arkynshire has the most diverse forms of wildlife, aside from Drakemyst. Many Dragons and Wyverns originate from this continent.

Natural Resources

Many resources, such as stone and ore, are harvested from the land. Though Arkynshire isn't as heavily forested as Drakemyst, there are still plenty of forests for providing wood.   Arkynshire has the most expansive coastlines of any continent; the ocean provides vast amounts of resources.
Included Locations

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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