Darrett Highwater Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Darrett Highwater

Darrett Highwater is a fastidious knight thrust into a position of leadership by the invasion of Kalaman by the Red Dragon Army. His parents abandoned him in Vogler when he was barely five years old, after which Darrett spent years as a ward of the community before coming under the wing of Becklin Uth Viharin, a lone Solamnic Knight stationed in Vogler. In the years since, his good heart and aptitude for strategic thinking led Becklin to train him for induction into the Knights of Solamnia. That day came after her death at the hands of the assassin, Jeyev Veldrews.   Darrett is well-read and courteous, though he sometimes catches himself talking in ways he considers less than knightly, for which he apologizes profusely. Though young, he is a high-ranking member of Kalaman's army. In the siege, Darrett lost his arm, though it has since been replaced by a prothesis in the form of some Gnomish gadgetry.
Status: Active
Disposition: Ally
Species: Solamnic Human

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