Ashryn Starbreeze

Revered Daughter Ashryn Starbreeze (a.k.a. Ash)

Ashryn Starbreeze has died in the Gardens of Astarin in Silvanost over two hundred years ago.
She was a loving daughter to - a distant father - and a to - a troubled mother. She cared deeply about her best friends Delgarassel and Feiradis. She was a model citizen, and even though she lusted after man of lower station than her she never acted on it. She studied, and kept the faith in the Gods of Krynn until the day she died.
In the last month of the year 3325, Ashryn found by the shores of the Bay of Stars, by Wildrunner-Captain Phaendar Zylsatra. She was taken to Kiranost where she woke up and was intensely interrogated by members of House Protector and Cleric. Records of her were found in the Tower of E'li, and the facts she provided plus the design of her star jewel were a match. Once Ashryn was recognised as a member of House Royal Speaker Calaernith herself demanded she was released and given to them, but House Protector and House Cleric did not relent. It was not until the young elf was subjected to the dreaded Ceremony of Darkness - and left unscathed - that the two houses finally relented and allowed her to walk free in Kiranost.
By the inhabitants of the Tower, which had contact with the most, Ashryn is described as a quiet elf that mostly keeps to herself. Some say that she sometimes blabblers too much about the glorious past, especially the beautiful balls and festivals once hosted in Silvanost, and talks down to her graceful hosts with the superior airs of a high-caste member of House Royal, which makes her seem frivolous, snobby and doesn't do much to endear her to the elves of House Cleric - or any of those who frequent the Tower. She insists that as a member of the Caladon famiily she has a good reputation to maintain. Since the Caladon are direct descendants of the Nightmare King, many elves wonder what good reputation she is talking about.
Nowadays Ashryn is considered a full-fledged adult Silvanesti of Kiranost, with all the privileges and duties that come with it. She longs to provide emotional and physical care to those in need, and to assist in the fight against the undead, while searching for the truth about her faith in E'li, and the return of the gods.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Long shoulder length hair, clear eyes and full lips.

Apparel & Accessories

Always wears long skirts with slit openings with high heeled boots or shoes in matching colors.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Kind, curious young elf maiden born into luxury confronted with great tragedy. Always a devout follower of E'li, she seeks purpose and solace in her newfound cleric powers.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Revered Daughter of Paladine
Date of Birth
Feb 21st 2905
2905 AC 2986 AC 81 years old
Silvanost, Silvanesti
Place of Death
The Garden of Astarin, Silvanost, Silvanesti
Current Residence
Kiranost, Silvanesti
Golden Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations