House Royal

Once known as House Silvanos, House Royal consists of the direct descendants of Silvanos. Those elves are responsible for ruling the Silvanesti nation, even if they do not have the power they once had to do it.   The House has existed since the founding of Silvanesti, before the year 4000 PC, when Silvanos convened the first Sinthal-Elish and too the title of Speaker of the Stars.   At any given time, there might be one or many people in this House: the Speaker of the Stars and his or her spouse, children, siblings and their descendants, and so on. Because this house derives from a single family, determination of high or low caste is made by position within the family. Those in the immediate family of the Speaker are of the high caste, while the rest are of low caste.   Since those of House Royal have strong blood ties to each other, it is almost impossible for them to make marriage alliances within the House. As a result, House Royal has the most freedom in regard to marrying outside the House. With the permission of the Speaker, members can wed pure-blooded Silvanesti elves in positions of power from any House but House Servitor. Once wed, the spouse becomes pawrt of House Royal.   In times past, the Speaker was not only the leader of House Royal, but the de-facto ruler of the Silvanesti nation itself. Nowadays the speaker works as the leader of the The Sinthal-Elish.
Founding Date
Before 4000 PC
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization
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