Ghosts of Mirabar

History of the Ghosts

  While the Axe of Mirabar is charged with protecting the mines from monsters, the Ghosts of Mirabar are given the responsibility of protecting Mirabar from threats from outside of the city, well before that threat comes close, or even becomes known to the populace. To achieve this, the Ghosts are comprised of individuals of a more ruthless nature than the ordinary soldier that joins the Axes.   The “Year of Beckoning Death” saw the formation of the Axe, but the Ghosts did not come about till sometime after that. The great houses nearly fell afoul of a plot by agents of Hellgate Keep, the Zhentarim, and Luskan to destabilize the alliance that held Mirabar together. Only the intervention of the Harpers prevented this when they revealed the threat posed to Mirabar.   It was at this point that the great houses placed pressure on Torgar Hammerstriker and the Council of Sparkling Stones to bolster the city’s defenses through more indirect means, ones which did not rely upon the might of the mercantile forces nor the troops of the Axe. Given the loyalty of the Axe’s troops, this was the natural recruitment ground for the city’s newly formed covert agents.   As commander of the Axe, Hammerstriker looked to the ranks of the seasoned fighters, drawing from the scouts in each battalion. In his wisdom, the battle-hardened dwarf knew that the skills of these skirmishers would be invaluable in establishing the clandestine and guerilla tactics that would need to be employed by these elusive new guardians.   While these soldiers were formidable behind enemy lines, they lacked the subtleties needed to work as spies and assassins. Thus, delegates from both Mirabar’s assassins’ and thieves’ guilds were summoned in a move to reward those who would ply their trade in the name of the Council of Sparkling Stones. Some were dubious of the success this approach would yield, but Hammerstriker was no fool, employing a robust approach typical of the veteran commander that he was, the guilds were left with little option; serve Mirabar and the marchion, or face the full force of Mirabarian justice.   Thus, in 1355DR, the Ghosts of Mirabar were born to take a careful watch for anything suspicious within the city and the mines, by operating a network of covert operatives amongst Mirabar’s own population, and beyond. These masters of clandestine operations became an elite faction of the forces of Mirabar —specializing in infiltration, sabotage, camouflage, and assassination. Their reach extended far across Toril, seeking out any threat to Mirabar and its secrets. Their existence became a legend, whispered in the dark, “threaten Mirabar and the Ghosts will get you."

Be good, boy, or the Ghosts'll get ya!

The primary meeting place for the Ghosts of Mirabar is known as "The House".  The entrance is only accessible from a secret door in the actual floor with the cells in the Axe of Mirabar barracks. When the Ghosts need to talk to someone specific, that person finds themselves suddenly under arrest and awaiting judgement in a specific cell.

The Guards know to leave the floor after locking the gate, and before long, the prisoner is standing face to face with a member of the Ghosts, for whatever reason.

Members of the Ghosts have another way in, secret, from a home nearby.
Founding Date
1355 DR
Guild, Thieves
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

This article has no secrets.


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