The Sneaky Boar Tavern

The Sneaky Boar is a tavern/inn in the shadow of the Ivy Rock. It's known (by those who know these things) that if you need to get in touch with someone who can get a job done, discreetly, The Sneaky Boar is where to go. The interior of the place is well kept, if not exactly made of the highest quality materials. There is a large open area in front of the wide fireplace in one wall. A raised area towards the back, under a loft from the second floor is a place where bards set up to entertain the crowd.   There are four rooms available to rent by the night, though there always seems to be two that are reserved. Food and drink are both available day and night.

Less well known is that The Sneaky Boar is owned and operated as a front for the Ghosts of Mirabar. Everyone from the bartender to the cooks to the cleaners is on the payroll and funnels information to the Ghosts.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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