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Night Owl Guild

The Night Owl Guild originated in 1455 in the Draigenmore capital city of K'ylln.  The guild is comprised almost entirely of an offshoot of the Golden Eagle Guild.  In 1453, The Golden Eagle Guild had sent a new head operative into K'ylln from their headquarters in Solasta.  This operative, Urstil Floxim, however had his own plans.  Urstil, who many believe was working for some unknown patron, wanted to create his own criminal empire in K'ylln, infringing on the territory of the Zurtan Gang.   By doing this, he created two factions of the Golden Eagle Guild in Draigenmore.  One offshoot, lead by himself, and another, led by Davil Starsong, who was loyal to the Golden Eagles.  These two factions found themselves fighting in the streets--as well as fighting off the Zurtan Gang.  And the Zurtan Gang didn't know about the two factions and they didn't care.   Eventually, in his quest to find the hidden treasure hoard of former Open Lord Neverember, Urstil Floxim was killed by the adventuring party, The Eternal Fools, who themselves were independent contractors working for Starsong.   Starsong began putting the guild back together, but he began thinking that Floxim had some of the right ideas but that he simply implemented them poorly.  Starsong agreed that it was not right for them to take all the risk and do all the work and yet send the lion's share of the profits back to Solasta.  But he felt that Floxim overreached when he tried to move from the Eagle's business plans of smuggling, mercenaries, and arms selling into the realms of controlling all street crime.   Using money provided by The Eternal Fools, Starsong began rebuilding his guild...but no longer as an arm of the Golden Eagles.  He created a new guild, The Night Owls.   Roughly 80% of all Golden Eagle operations north of K'ylnn switched sides from the Golden Eagles to Starsong and the Night Owls, mainly due to Starsong's promise of a more direct payout of profits to all involved.   Not even a year old, The Night Owl Guild, at this time, seems to have a strong grip on numerous territories.


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