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Draigenmore was originally founded by Juras Blackwood at the beginning of the Era of Draigenmore. Having conquered all surrounding Kingdoms, Blackwood brought them together under one rule under the Kingdom of Draigenmore. King Blackwood ruled along with the Gold Dragon Autherax , from the Obsidian Tower in the Capital City of K'ylln . King Blackwood's descendants ruled Draigenmore for centuries, until the Great Dragon War in 247 A.D. drove the dragons from the realms and split the Kingdom. Draigenmore became known as Blackwood and the Capital City of K'ylln became known as Stolberg . Blackwood remained this way for many centuries.  
Following the events of the Second Great Dragon War, Amelia Blackwood , daughter of Queen Anastasia Blackwood , the ruler of Blackwood, married Connor Longley , the son of King Alfred IV of Breland. In the year 1375 A.D. The Kingdom of Draigemore rose again, with the unification of Blackwood, Breland , the North Hand of Breland , and the South Hand of Breland . In 1435 A.D. the lands that were previously known as the North Hand of Breland split from Draigenmore and became the Kingdom of Northland . And what was the Heart of Breland became the Kingdom of Breland. Though Draigenmore still treats these new Kingdoms as parts of Draigenmore, serving as banner lords to the North, tensions have increased and in the year 1455 A.D. are near war.  
Draigenmore world cover
    Draigenmore is ruled by Queen Angela Blackwood and her husband Fletcher Faust . They have two children. A daughter, Lyssa Blackwood who is married to Lyndom Blackwood . And a son, Connor Blackwood , who is married to Natalia Blackwood . They have a daughter, Svetlana Blackwood . They rule from the Obsidian Tower in the Capital city of K'ylln .   Draigenmore is unique in that it has a second Queen. A War Queen. When Juras Blackwood conquered all neighboring kingdoms he did so with the help of four women. These women were underestimated by the Kings of the Realms and it led to their downfall. From Draigenmore's inception, and continuing thru the time it was known as Blackwood, the tradition of these women has carried on. Areus God of War is in charge of all of Draigenmore's forces. She is supported by three divisions of elite troops. Sister Ymira and her Sisters of Ymira are an elite group of warriors. Sister Katrin and her Sisters of Katrin are a powerful group of battle mages. And Sister Klethi and her Sisters of Klethi are a deadly efficient group of spies and assassins. These titles are passed down from one to another. The Sisters keep their surnames, but in a secret ritual take on the name of the Sister the ascend to. Many believe that some sort of magic is involved in this and that the memories of their predecessors are somehow passed on.   The banner of Draigenmore is Yellow/Green with the sigil of a red dragon.   Ruling Structure: King/Queen > Prince/Princess > Grand Duke > Count/Countess (keeps/castles/holdfasts) > Baron/Baroness (towns/large lands) > Burgermeister (villages.)   Military Structure: War Queen Mercion > Sister Ymira, Sister Katrin, and Sister Klethi > Generals > Commanders > Captains > Lieutenants > Sergeants > Men at Arms > Soldiers.   Places of Interest: Southwood Watch (center of the Black Forest Territories : ruled by Countess Drusilla Faust   Rottenburg (part of the Black Forest Territories, ruled from Southwood Watch): Mayor Klein Kushman   Bermanstadt (part of the Black Forest Territories, ruled from Southwood Watch) : Mayor Kurt Horstmann   Northwood Watch : ruled by Count Junish Voldstadt   Velburg : ruled by Count Bartholomew Terzon   Werdun : ruled by Countess Olga Fein   Weildstadt : ruled by Countess Evelyn Ravenwood   Helmstadt : ruled by Baron Dirk Von Helm   Lagenburg : ruled by Baron Sebastian Lagenburg   Elstra : ruled by Baroness Luna Kurstan   Rehna : ruled by Burgermeister Burt Vakenstein   Strasberg : ruled by Burgermeister Sarah Lynne   Bailsberg : ruled by Burgermeister John Holdstadt   Hamsberg : ruled by Burgermeister Vincent Preterious   Leaf Hollow : ruled by Burgermeister Mary Wells   Salems Walk : ruled by Burgermeister Trule Hickman   Nottingwood : ruled by Burgermeister Kern Robbins   Fort Tomlin : commanded by Commander Neilson Freeman   Kelek's Tower : ruins   Somershire : Ruled by Grand Duke Yannick Frenzel   Dragon Dale Watch : ruled by Duke Corman Williad   Calm Keep : ruled by Baron Jergen Golem   Kent : ruled by Duke Aiden Sessex   Eastwatch : ruled by Duchess Carina Roland   Highland (under dukedom of Eastwatch) : Mayor Kiln McCloud   Roxburgh : ruled by Baron Carl Kemp   Mongerville : ruled by "The Fish Baron"   Middleton : ruled by Burgermeister Hennly Renly   Bleak Willow : ruled by Mayor Heinrich Frey   The main religion is Draigenmore is The Circle of Seven .
Founding Date
1 A.D.


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