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Historical Timeline

Historical Timeline of the world Dungeons of Drakkenheim takes place in.

  • Circa - 10,000
    Great Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    A great winter grips the world. The dwarven people delve deep into the earth to survive the frozen surface and the first human warlocks make pacts with eldritch entities so that their magic can help them survive.

  • Circa - 7,000
    Ice Receeds
    Geological / environmental event

    The ice from the Great Winter receeds.

  • Circa - 4,000
    Elvish Encounter
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves arrive into this world through strange Star-Gates.

  • Circa - 900
    Birth of an Empire

    Sorcerer-King Solis seals the First Blood Pact with ancient dragons and founds the Arcane Empire.

  • 666 E.A

    Second Pact
    Construction beginning/end

    Sorcerer-Queen Nahmar builds the Spire of Nox in the ancient capital of the Arcane Empire, and makes the Second Blood Pact with a fiendish entity. The decendants of her family and vassals become the first tieflings.

  • 500 E.A

    Dwarves Return
    Construction beginning/end

    The Dwarves resurface. They build great strongholds in the mountains to protect themselves from the sorcerer-kings.

  • Circa - 300
    Lost Ground
    Military: War

    After her disasterous invasion of the ilses of Skye, Sorcerer-Queen Kaestelaria VIII loses control of the Eastern Vales which becomes the independent Realms.

  • 12 E.A

    Celestial Encounter
    Religious event

    A golden comet leaeds Tarna to the archangels Gabriella and Michael in the Pale Teeth Mountains. Tarna becomes the First Paladin.

  • 1 P.D

    Birth of a Martyr

    The Martyrdom of Saint Tarna, who saved the world from the madness of Sorcerer-King Xandor XIII. After her martyrdom, her followers share how to channel the Sacred Flame and war against the sorcerer Kings.

  • 36 P.D

    Glitter Peak Tragedy
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Citadel of Glitter Peak is destroyed in a massive landslide, killing thousands of Dwarves.

  • 65 P.D

    Scripture Penned
    Religious event

    The Song of Fire is penned by the Mystic Theurge.

  • 87 P.D

    Dousing the Flames
    Religious event

    Calstryx VII hunts down the Mystic Theurge and publicly executes the sage. All original copies of The Song of Fire are destroyed, but Tarna's teachings survive.

  • Circa 100
    Flames in the Dark
    Religious event

    Worship of the Sacred Flame is banished by Sorcerer-King Khirad III under the pain of death. However, the many bloody martyrdoms spread the faith like wildfire.

  • 299 P.D

    End of an Empire
    Political event

    Rule of the Sorcerer Kings finally crumbles when Sorcerer-King Moliv VII flees the continent for distant lands in face of revolt.

  • 306 P.D

    Consecrated City

    The triumphant Faith of the Sacred Flame reconsencrates the capital city of the Arcane Empire and renames it Lumen. The Faith creates the calendar still used today.

  • 320 P.D

    Massacre at Drakeclaw Mountain
    Military: Battle

    A group of monks devoted to the Sacred Flame attempt to destroy Vulmungoth the ancient red dragons, knowing it's ties to the sorcerer-kings.  Their attempt ends in a failure and only a handful of monks make it off Drakeclaw Mountain.

  • 359 P.D

    Giant Diplomacy
    Political event

    Human settlers in Netherwind treat with the giants living in the mountains in hopes of establishing a peaceful option for occupying the land. The giants are divided among the matter.

  • 370 P.D

    The Giant-Wars Begin
    Military: War

    The giants of Stonrest in the Giantfrost Mountains banish all half-giants and human-allied giants from their city, setting off the Giant Wars.

  • 381 P.D

    Arcane Persecution

    Vowing tyrannical mage-lords will never rule again, the newly-established Divine Matriarch Mercy I of the Sacred Flame endorses persecution against Arcane spellcasters.

  • 399 P.D

    A United Vale
    Diplomatic action

    John Toland becomes king of the Eastern Vales and unites the nation under his name.

  • 421 P.D

    Saint Arrah's Predictions
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Saint Arrah correctly predicts the return of Tarna's Comet.

  • 440 P.D

    A New Hand
    Life, Death

    King John Toland passes away and his son John Toland II attempts to move the kingdom to the Shadowfens, building a massive castle in the swamps.

  • 463 P.D

    Elyria Founded

    House Ava reunites the city-States of the old Arcane Empire into the new nation of Elyria.

  • 480 P.D

    Fall of House Toland
    Life, Death

    Amarodial the Bitter Heart destroys Toland Keep in the Eastern Value and kills John Toland II leaving no ruler to the Eastern Vales. The dragon promptly claims the ruins of Toland's Keep, as well as all of Tolands wealth as his property.

  • Circa 500
    Birth of a Secret Order

    Following a century of persecution, a group of surviving mages form the Aemethyst Academy as a secret society to protect themselves.

  • 510 P.D

    Vale Conquered
    Military: War

    Kristoff Karn conquers the Eastern Vale. He attempts to invade what is now Orleone and hte battle of the Lion Guard sees many casualties. Orleone forms it's own nation to stand against the conquest of Karn.

  • 511 P.D

    The First Caspian
    Military: Battle

    Rex Caspian unites the nearby city-states along the Middle Sea to repel the invasion of Karn.

  • 538 P.D

    Caspian Empire Fractured
    Life, Death

    Rex Caspian passes away. Caspia fractures into Six Kingdoms, each ruled by one of Rex's six children.

  • 555 P.D

    Failed Assault on Glasyadriel
    Military: Battle

    A war host of giants of Netherwind attempt to slay Glasyadriel, the white dragon of the mountains, but are frozen in place upon the mountainside.

  • 578 P.D

    Castle Drakken
    Construction beginning/end

    Castle Drakken is constructed.

    Castle Drakken
  • 623 P.D

    Westemär Conquest
    Military action

    Vladimir Von Drakken begins his conquest of Westemär.

  • 627 P.D

    Elven Retreat
    Military action

    Fleeing the genocide of the Von Drakken conquests, many elves flee to the Isles of Skye to reclaim their realm of Eladria.

  • 630 P.D

    Scalebreaker Legion

    The Scalebreakers legion is founded.

  • 647 P.D

    Bloody Ascent
    Life, Death

    Vladmir Von Drakken is assassinated by his daughter Carmen. She takes the throne of Westemär and rules from Drakkenheim.

  • 678 P.D

    A New Order

    The Knights of the Silver Order are ordained by Divine Matriarch Justice VII to hunt down the Amethyst Academy.

  • 688 P.D

    Carmen Passes
    Life, Death

    Carmen Von Drakken passes away, leaving the throne to her heirs.

  • 697 P.D

    Saint Vitruvio and Argonath Save Drakkenheim
    Military: Battle

    Along with the Ancient Gold Dragon Argonath, Saint Vitruvio saves Drakkenheim from a marauding army led by chromatic dragons that decended upon Westemär from the eastern vale. Argonath gave their life in that battle, and Saint Vitruvio subsequently dies slaying the half-dragon warlock behind the terrible scourge. Their bones and equipment have been kept as holy relics since.

  • 700 P.D

    740 P.D

    Mage Wars
    Military: War

    Bloody wars break out between noble houses supported byt eh Amethyst Academy and houses supported by the Faith of teh Sacred Flame. The Mage Wars ravage the continent for fourty years.

  • 743 P.D

    Edicts of Lumen Composed
    Political event

    The Edicts of Lumen are sealed by Divine Matriarch Truth II, the Six Great Houses of Caspia, Queen Hildegarde I Von Drakken of Wesemär, and King Laertes Ava I of Elyria.

  • 745 P.D

    Caspian Kingsmoot
    Gathering / Conference

    The Six Great Houses of Caspia hold the first Kingsmoot.

  • 789 P.D

    Invasion from the Clans of Skye!
    Military: War

    The clans from Skye sail to the mainland in their longships attempting a brutal takeover of Dransmund in Westemär. While they cannot take the city, their invasions ravage the Crystal Coast for decades to come.

  • 821 P.D

    822 P.D

    Von Drakken Invasion
    Military: War

    Albrecht Von Drakken invades Caspia

  • 822 P.D

    Succession Crisis
    Life, Death

    After the death of Albrecht Von Drakken during his failed invasion of Caspia, Cavill Von Drakken goes missing and is presumed to be dead. With the bloodline extinct a succession crisis for Westemär begins.

  • 854 P.D

    Tarna's Comet
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Tarna's Comet is sighted again.

  • 965 P.D

    Rise of the Von Kessel
    Era beginning/end

    Helena I, first monarch of the House Von Kessel dynasty, claims the throne of Drakkenheim.

  • 1114 P.D

    1119 P.D

    Westemär Civil War
    Military: War

    Civil War errupts between the nobles of Westemar over the successor of Ulrich Von Kessel lead by his brother and sister. Mannfred is assassinated and Cecilia dies mysteriously shortly after.