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Knights Of The Silver Order

A light in the dark.

The Silver Order is an elite church-sanctioned regiment of paladins and ordained knights oath-sworn to combat supernatural evils, otherworldly incursions, and dark magic. As faithful devotees of Sacred Flame, they believe Delerium is a dangerous and contaminating blight. Led by the valiant Knight Captain Theodore Marshal, the knights have been dispatched to eradicate the corruption at its very source.  


The Silver Order was founded several centuries ago as a militant arm of the Faith of the Sacred Flame. These knights and Paladins act by the decree of the Divine Matriarch to defend the faithful from demons and monsters, and are called up as witchhunters when wayward mages dabble in forbidden arcana. Their holy missions transcend sovereign borders, but the order is headquartered in the Divine City of Lumen in Elyria.   Paladins are revered figures in the Faith of the Sacred Flame, as the founder of the faith was herself a Paladin. Though not every warrior in the Silver Order is a Paladin, each strives to emulate Saint Tarna's valiant example. Though they usually operate as individual questing knights or in small warrior-companies, occasionally they are deployed as a regiment. Members of the Silver Order have been traditionally drawn from all peoples and Knights of the Silver Order from all levels of society. Nobles and commoners are found within the Order, and one’s station in life does not reflect one’s position in the Order.   In their role as witch-hunters and mage-slayers, the Silver Order was complicit in the persecution and oppression of arcane spellcasters. To this day, the issue remains a deep stain on the order’s honour, as many observed that the injustices and persecution visited upon spellcasters stand in stark contrast against the tenets of the faith of the Sacred Flame, a faith that calls out for justice for the oppressed. Nevertheless, staunch supporters of the Silver Order argue that their deeds were indeed justified. Decisive action is necessary to defend the innocent and the faithful from wicked sorcerers who sought to dominate others with magical might or cut down foul warlocks who spread wickedness through demonology and necromancy. The chronicle of the Silver Order records countless heroic missions that have prevented a dire threat from growing into a far greater crisis.   The Silver Order answers to the Faith of the Sacred Flame, not to the command of any sovereign nation. However, the Order remains strongly connected to its roots, and most of its members hail from Elyria. Ever since the realm of Elyriacame under the de facto rule of the religious ministry, the order has become increasingly entangled in state affairs. Their knights have been deployed on inquisitional crusades against heretics, heathens, and other political enemies of the Sacred Flame. The distinction between an “enemy of the Sacred Flame” and an “enemy of Elyria” is not entirely clear anymore. As such, some worry the Order’s presence in Drakkenheim is an invasive ploy by Elyria to wrest control of Westemär, rather than a righteous expedition to purify the city of eldritch contamination.  
Metal-headed, stubborn, and overly committed to falsities justified by holy laws. If I praised the Light whenever I blew people up, would I win medals?
-Sebastian Crowe


Destroy delerium at its source

The Divine Matriarch of the Sacred Flame has decreed Delerium an unholy abomination. These chaotic seeds of evil magic must be wholly destroyed before they can take root. By her command, the Silver Order has come to cleanse Drakkenheim of this foul taint: even if it means burning the city to the ground. Furthermore, the knights have resolved to stop others from harvesting and using Delerium, especially the Amethyst Academy.   The Silver Order insists that Drakkenheim - and by extension, the nation of Westemär - cannot be rebuilt until the threat of Delerium is entirely eliminated. While the Silver Order does not intend to establish Elyrian rule over Westemär, they want to ensure any new ruler honours the Sacred Flame, commits to destroying Delerium, and helps them dissolve the Followers Of The Falling Fire.

Stamp out the heresy of the Falling Fire

The demagogue Lucretia Mathias has fractured the Faith of the Sacred Flame, and twisted its noble and pure religious teachings into the debased worship of a blasphemous and evil rock from the darkest depths of the outer void. Lucretia Mathias must be captured and brought back to Elyria to stand trial for her grave sins, where she may find repentance in a burning pyre. Her misguided followers must be driven from the city.  

Preserve the holy relics in Drakkenheim

Drakkenheim was home to many saints of the Sacred Flame: most notably, the heroic Saint Vitruvio, who fought astride the mighty gold dragon Argonath centuries ago. Both were buried beneath the cathedral that bears his name. Many relics of this mighty Paladin are lost in Drakkenheim, such as Ignacious, the Sword of Burning Truth. The Silver Order wishes to reclaim these artifacts and reconsecrate the altar of the Sacred Flame in the Saint Vitruvio's Cathedral, so it may serve as a beacon of light from which the rest of the city may be purged.   It is of vital importance to the Silver Order that these relics and places do not fall into the hands of the Followers Of The Falling Fire, who they fear may use them for heretical purposes.   One of the relics of Saint Vitruvio is also one of the Seals of Drakkenheim: the Phylactery Of Saint Vitruvio. Traditionally, this item is entrusted to the High Flamekeeper of Drakkenheim. If the Silver Order obtains it, they can ensure the Faith of the Sacred Flame has some influence over the political destiny of Drakkenheim and Westemär by demanding who is appointed the new High Flamekeeper.    


Camp Dawn

Camp Dawn is a military encampment a little over 2 miles outside Drakkenheim just outside the out reaches of The Haze.

Places of Faith

Outside Drakkenheim, the Silver Order can often find shelter in any chapel or cathedral of the Sacred Flame, though not every Flamekeeper in Westemär now supports their mission.

Vigilant Keep

Their headquarters is the impregnable Vigilant Keep in the far City of Lumen in Elyria, where the Grandmaster oversees the entire order at the behest of the Divine Matriarch.

Protect the weak, keep the flame.

These evil crystals are the stuff of dark magic; anathema to order and life itself. No goodness can come from their corrupt power, and those foolish enough to believe Delerium can be turned to useful purposes are truly lost  
-Knight Captain Theodore Marshal

Appearance and equipment

As befits their name, the knights are clad in silver plate with gold filigree. They wear flowing tabards of white, prominently decorated with symbols of the Sacred Flame, rather than any individual heraldry. The Flamekeepers who accompany the knights wear religious vestments of white and gold.
Religious, Inquisitorial
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


Theodore Marshal 


Ophelia Reed Cassandra Wyatt

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