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Followers Of The Falling Fire

Ignite your heart!

The Followers of the Falling Fire are a religious sect who believe the meteor signaled a celestial prophecy, and consider delerium a holy sacrament. Called to pilgrimage by the prescient testament of their leader, Lucretia Mathias, zealous masses of devout common-folk now journey to the crater's edge to take their place in a divine plan.  


The Faith of the Sacred Flame has long looked to the stars for guidance. The flickering stars cast within the Astral Void symbolize how the faithful see their place in the cosmos: points of light holding darkness at bay. Scripture tells how a shooting star inspired Saint Tarna to seek redemption before a pair of angels. The story of a blackguard turned Paladin who founded the Faith itself established an important message within the religion: that from the deepest darkness may arise the brightest light.   Lucretia Mathias was one such Flamekeeper who read omens in the night sky, and was regarded as one of the most learned and wise amongst the clergy. She channeled immense divine power, and invoked miracles that have not been witnessed in a generation. A decade before the meteor The Followers of the Falling Fire destroyed Drakkenheim, she beheld a vision of a falling star that would arrive on earth and signal a great upheaval for the faithful. Despite her reputation, her visions were dismissed as an apocalyptic fantasy and largely suppressed at the time.   Her visions proved true; right down to the hour. However, even Lucretia Mathias did not expect the actual destruction the meteor would cause, nor did she anticipate it would annihilate her birthplace, Drakkenheim. She spent several years afterward contemplating the heavens and several strange stones recovered from the city. Her conclusion was dire indeed: the world stands on the precipice of darkness unending. Yet within delerium, she saw the spark of salvation. Though the stones are the stuff of chaos, black charcoal and midnight oil may fuel a great flame. Perhaps if taken up by righteous souls, the crystals might become an earthly vessel for the Sacred Flame itself. Rather than fall to all-consuming shadows, Lucretia Mathias prophesied a New Age of Heroes that could meet the coming night. She spoke widely about her beliefs and discoveries, and her fiery sermons galvanized a throng of loyal supporters who proselytized her new creed across Elyria, Westemär, and Caspia. As her support grew, she resolved to make a pilgrimage to the crater itself to confirm her revelations.   Meanwhile, the mainstream clergy reacted to delerium with disgust and horror. When Lucretia Mathias returned from her pilgrimage bearing a Delerium crystal embedded in her own body, she was declared a heretic and excommunicated. However, she refused to be silenced. Escaping Elyria, she expanded her original writings and published them as the Testament Of The Falling Fire. This religious essay proclaimed a radical new doctrine for the faith and called upon all devout believers to make a pilgrimage to the crater in Drakkenheim. Those who finish this arduous journey partake in a controversial rite known as the Sacrament Of Falling Fire    
They may have strong faith and good intentions, but you’ve gotta be out to lunch if you’re willing to stab delerium into your chest!  
-Veo Sjena



Transform Drakkenheim into a Holy Site

Lucretia Mathias has proselytized that hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of devoted followers will need to complete the pilgrimage to fulfill her prophecy. Once they do, the Sacred Flame will set alight every righteous mortal heart, and a glorious new age of heroes shall begin. Until then, they must ensure many more can make the journey, and preserve the delerium, the sacred charcoal needed to enact their rituals. Thus, they wish to make Drakkenheim itself a holy site. Those who complete their pilgrimage to the crater’s edge participate in a ritual called the Sacrament Of Falling Fire. This controversial rite requires supplicants to impale a Delerium fragment into their hearts.   Those who survive the pilgrimage are spiritually transformed and physically empowered, rendered immune to contamination, and able to survive in the haze. Many who complete the pilgrimage suddenly discover they are able to tap into powerful spiritual energies, which they claim are the Sacred Flame. Thus many followers channel divine magic who had not before exhibited the necessary willpower to master such abilities.  

Spread and defend their new faith

The Followers of the Falling Fire seek to convert others to take up their cause and their beliefs, no matter their former lives. They believe members of the The Hooded Lanterns and the SThe Knights Of The Silver Order could be convinced to abandon their organizations to join the Followers of the Falling Fire.   Should a new ruler of Westemär emerge, the Followers of the Falling Fire wish to convert this individual to their faith. Doing so will legitimize the Falling Fire politically, and make sure that they can continue their pilgrimages.   At the same time, they must defend their faith. The Followers of the Falling Fire have been declared heretics and excommunicated by the clergy of the Sacred Flame, and must protect themselves from attacks (both physical and political) by the The Knights Of The Silver Order.  

Claim the lost relics of Saint Vitruvio

Drakkenheim was home to many saints of the Sacred Flame: most notably, the heroic Saint Vitruvio, who fought astride the mighty gold dragon Argonath centuries ago. Both were buried beneath the cathedral that bears his name. Many relics of this mighty Paladin are lost in Drakkenheim, such as Ignacious, the Sword of Burning Truth. If the Followers of the Falling Fire were to obtain these relics and resurrect the dragon it would significantly legitimize their beliefs to many laypeople.   They wish to reclaim these artifacts and reconsecrate the altar of the Sacred Flame in the Saint Vitruvio's Cathedral. The Phylactery Of Saint Vitruvio is also one of the Seals of Drakkenheim. Traditionally held by a Flamekeeper of the Sacred Flame, possessing it ensures the Followers of the Falling Fire gain influence over the political destiny of Drakkenheim and Westemär.  


While the Falling Fire is now sending missionaries out all over the world, they have four important holdings in Drakkenheim.

Hendrix Farm

Pilgrims camp out here in Emberwood Village before embarking on the last stage of their journey to the crater.

Champion’s Gate

Not a stronghold in any true sense, the pilgrims use Champion's Gate as a waypoint on their way to the crater’s edge or Saint Selina's Monastery.

Chapel of Saint Gresha

Located on the edge of the crater, this is the place where Lucretia Mathias performs the Sacred Flame each day at dawn.

Saint Selina’s Monastery

Located in the Deep Haze, this is the sanctuary for members of the Falling Fire who have completed their pilgrimage and taken the Sacrament.

From the deepest darkness may arise the brightest light

One day soon, we will near the end of our world — an age where great heroes will be needed. These holy stones were heaven-sent so we might prepare our spirits to meet the all-consuming shadows. In our darkest moment, the Sacred Flame will set alight our blazing hearts as one.  
-Lucretia Mathias, Book One of the Testament Of The Falling Fire

Attire and Equipment

The Followers of the Falling Fire give up most of their worldly possessions. Many are clad only in sackcloth jerkins or monastic robes, and often carry salvaged weapons adapted from everyday equipment and tools.
Religious, Cult
Lucretia Mathias  
Nathaniel Flint
  What strange manners to travel into the dangers of this city with nothing but faith as a shield. The border between brave and foolish is thin among them.  
-Pluto Jackson

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