412th Cavalry Company - "The Royal Renagades"

Originally a part of the Palatrea military, this company of soldiers followed Kalos in his declaration of succession after his father's death. They now are the backbone and personal guard to their new king.   It is comprised of almost exclusively Centaurs, like their king. Other units in the Kyraris military may be excepting other species into their ranks, but the king wants the unit to remain "pure". Soldiers in his army that show particular excellence can get transferred to this unit at his discretion. Since the unit was founded, it has always been led by Captain Kassyllis.   The company is armed primarily with the Vy4 Rifle or the Type15 Submachine Gun. The economic state of the kingdom means that its military tends to use older weapons and even their most elite must make do with the same weapons they have had for decades.  

Service History


Palatrean Service

  Originally a part of the Palatrean 80th Cavalry Division. They were founded in 614 E7. It was not long before they saw their first battles. The Company served with distinction during The Desolation of Lontum. The Company was stationed at the village of Naxos, near the border with The Lacusta Dynasty and were the first to see combat in The Bloodmarch. At first, there was only light skirmishing by some of the undead scouts of the Dynasty. When the full force of the invasion became clear, Kassyllis ordered the company to pull back without a fight. At the time, some criticized this decision. In more modern tellings of the story, this saved not just the company, but many other lives as well.   When returning to their Division with news of the size of the force General Menenos was, allegedly, frozen in fear and did not issue any orders. Other sources say that he did issue orders, but that there was an issue with the radios of the other comapanies and they were not received in time. In either case, the 365th and 897th Companies were completely destroyed by the advancing undead.   As the 412th were, at the time, viewed with suspicion as being cowardly they were not ordered to participate in any actions in the lead-up to the Defense of Lontum. During this time Kassyllis made certain that the company trained as much as possible and kept up with the latest reports of the enemy's capabilities. After Menenos was sacked and replaced with General Eteokles the 412th was the only company at full strength available for service. The 412th was given the at the time experimental Type15 Submachine Guns and given two weeks to familiarize themselves with their new weapons.   Under the command of Eteokles, the 412th was given a chance to prove to the Palatrean people their true courage. The 412th was a central piece of Eteokles' advance back to Naxos. While this counter-offensive was successful, their fortunes would eventually turn sour.  A change in command for their adversary led to a breakout that could not be stopped in time.  Once Lontum was lost, the 412th was pulled away from the front, all the way to the Kyraris Citadel, at that time, the Royal Family's pre-determined last bastion in the event of an attack on the capital city.   At the Citadel they were refit and reinforced with the survivors of other elements from the 80th Division and new recruits. Overall the company was restored to full strength on paper, but the division was about half its original size. Around this time Palatrea and Valkynd formed The Steel Bulwark. The 412th spent the majority of the war at the Citadel, again training for the day they would be called back to the front. While at the Citadel, Kassyllis got to know Kalos personally. There are rumors that their romantic relationship started during this time as well.   The 412th was called on again for Operation Sun's Wrath, what would become the final gambit by Eteokles to win the war. Accounts from the front contend that the operation would have failed if not for the 412th's bravery and professional conduct under extreme circumstances.  

Kyrarisian Service

  When Kalos declared himself the independent ruler of Kyraris, Kassyllis was the first to throw her lot in with him. In the end four companies would follow the 412th's example and follow Kalos to the Citadel. It was only a few months after that Kassyllis and Kalos were married. The Kyrarisian military currently only has a single division, but they are fiercely loyal to their king. The 412th specifically is always at his side. His personal bodyguards are always drawn from the company's ranks. Any time he travels abroad, the entire company follows. The insistance upon always bringing an entire company creates some difficulties for him diplomatically, but most real negotiations are handled by delegates.   Under Kyraris, the 412th has not seen much action, save for a few dealings with bandits and creatures that make nuisances of themselves. Relations with Palatrea, while tense at times, are surprsingly amicable. Sarpedon, while hurt by his brother's actions does not wish to harm him. If his brother should attack him, then Palatrea would certainly seek to reclaim the lost territory. Kalos on the other hand views his brother with suspicion, but knows that he cannot win a direct war in with his current holdings. It is possible that if a third party were looking to take from Palatrea, they may be able to find an ally in Kyraris.
Myrzanurys 20th, 614 E7
Assumed Veterancy
Used by

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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Aug 17, 2024 15:07 by Marjorie Ariel

Well, I guess all those people who said they were cowards seriously underestimated them. I love that you armed centuars with machine guns!

Aug 19, 2024 21:10

Thanks! The image came to mind like right before I fell asleep after staying up playing Bannerlord too late, lol!

Aug 21, 2024 03:35 by Marjorie Ariel

The ideas that come just before bed are the best!