Bulletbane Brooch

This Enchanted brooch creates a sort of invisible shield around the wearer. This shield attempts to slow and divert any fast moving objects that touch its outer perimeter. The size of this shield and the speed which is considered 'fast' varies based on the intent of the creator and The Chaos Facter  The Bulletbane Brooch can only handle so many diversions before it is drained of energy.  This energy will recharge overtime, but this usually take several hours before it can be used again.  The diversions are not a 100% guarantee of saftey, as the speed and direction of an object can only be changed so much.    The individual names of the Arcanists that developed this enchantment are unknown to the public, but the project to create it was started and helmed by General Eteokles with the intent of giving his Centaur cavalry an edge in The Bloodmarch.  Typically, the speeds which activate the shield are much fast than a melee weapon can be swung or an arrow fired by a bow. This makes it nearly useless in a more 'traditional' style of warfare.  There are rumors that the enchantment is actually much older than Eteokles' project, but that it was simply useless to the people who originally made it.   The Bulletbane enchantment itself can technically be applied to any piece of clothing, but the brooch was chosen becouse it looked the nicest with the existing uniforms.   The enchantment's required materials are quite expensive, which limits how often they can be used in a practical sense.  In order to equip just one forth of their cavalry forces with them, Palatrea took out a large loan from The Valkynd Kingdom.  It is believed that these loans will not be paid off for 300 years after the end of the Bloodmarch, assuming they continue making payments on time.
Item type

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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