Ivaruna Empire

The Ivaruna Empire is comprised of the Imperial StateĀ and multiple Member States. Each Member State is an autonomous nation. Member States are held only to a handful of Imperial Laws, mostly concerning how they interact with each other. They are also expected to contribute military force when requested to do so. Interestingly, a war waged against a Member State may not result in a war with the entire Empire as the Member State(s) involved must first request an intervention. Technically, the Empire is not required to accept this request, but this has never happened.   Each Member State contributes three Senators to the Imperial Senate, who are joined by three Senators appointed by the Emperor directly. Member States may use any method they wish to appoint and (when needed) replace these Senators. Any Law that the Member States would be beholden to must pass the Senate with a simple majority vote.   It was founded by The Ten Treaties.

363 e7 - 678 e7

Geopolitical, Empire
Predecessor Organization
Controlled Territories

Articles under Ivaruna Empire

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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