The Ten Treaties Document in Drakokrystal | World Anvil

The Ten Treaties

The Ten Treaties are a collection of documents that created the Ivaruna Empire on Amaturys 8th, 363E7 (06/08/63). The Greencross Summit spent several months creating each of the ten treaties. Some poeple, who only know about this from elementary school, are under the impression that it happened just on that one single day in the summer of 363. In truth, the proceedings started on Sekhnuys 1st, 362E7 (05/01/62) and the more famous date is simply the date on which the final treaty was signed.  

Sekhtyrn Constitution (The First Treaty)

  The first order of business for the Summit was the dissolution of the Sekhtyrn Protectorate and establishment of the Sekhtyrn Republic as an independent nation from the Kingdom of Gryvane. It was ratified on Sekhnuys 13th, 362E7 (05/13/62). While Gryvane lost a valuable vassal, they were given 3 years worth of tribute as a lump sum as compensation.  

Imperial Mandate (The Second Treaty)

  The Imperial Mandate established the ground work for the organization of the Empire and mandated that an Imperial State will be created from one of the signing nations with the others joining the Empire as Member States. It defined the legal relationship between the Imperial State and Member State. This Treaty did not state which nation would become the Imperial State, nor did it actually create the Empire itself. It only created the concept that the final treaty would fully establish. It was signed by all delegates on Amaturys 16th, 362E7 (06/16/62).  

The Guarantees (The Thrid Treaty)

  This document ensures that Member States shall remain independent political entities from the Imperial State. As such they cannot be mandated to pass laws unless such a mandate is signed by both the Imperial State and three-quarters of all Member States. It also includes laws pertaining to how much tribute is owed to the Imperial State and the tribute that must be paid if a Member should wish to leave the Empire. It was ratified on Ikaarnurys 30th, 362E7 (07/30/62).  

Military Responsibilities (The Fourth Treaty)

  The Fourth Treaty outlines the obligations and requirements for the militaries of the Imperial State and all Member States. It requires that when called to do so any and all Member States and the Imperial State will provide military assistance to a Member when requested. In a defensive war, contributed units are placed under the command of the Member that was attacked. If multiple Members were attacked simultainiously, then the Imperial State shall assume overall command. In an offensive war, there are some additional stipluations and requirements for calling for help and who takes overall command. It was signed by all delegates on Arandnurys 13th, 362E7 (08/13/62).  

Trade Rights and Migration (The Fifith Treaty)

  This document outlines the regulations for inter-member trade within the Empire. It also ensures that citizens of any Member State may freely visit, live, and work within any other Member State. There are also provisions for how citizens living in a differnet State are taxed. The series of debates that led to the final version of this document were the longest and most arduous of the entire Summit. It is said that several times the entire thing nearly fell apart. After one such debate, Aelnod Wiscard of Orlun challanged Ozbeg Sartak of Tashangan to a duel. A single shot from Ozbeg's pistol landed between Aelnod's eyes killing him instantly. Orlun did not take this result with honor and instead withdrew from the Summit and never joined the future Empire. It was finally signed on Skathanurys 30th, 362E7 (13/30/62), the final day of the year.  

Prohibition of Necromancy (The Sixith Treaty)

  A unanimous decision by all delegates. The practice of Necromancy and worship of Erezys were offically outlawed in the Imperial State and all Member States. Signed on Khepanurys 1st, 363E7 (01/01/63).  

Prohibition of Slavery (The Seventh Treaty)

  While a controversial decision, eventually all delegates agreed to the outlawing of slavery within the Empire. The Raanvyre Kingdom threatened to leave as Orlun had done previously. Migisi Sarakhet, the Sekhtyr delegate and former slave, was angered at the insistance of Leofric Leventhorpe that her people continue to labor in chains for his Kingdom. She challenged him to settle the matter in a duel. Swords at dawn would decide the matter once and for all. Leofric was said to doubt that Migisi even understood which way around to hold the sword. When she effortlessly parried his initial attacks, he faultered in his defense. Migisi took out his left eye with her sword. She gave him an opportunity to yield and he did not accept. He attacked with great fury and Migisi was barely able to keep her footing. She tried to counter, but lost her grip on her weapon. When Leofric took the opportunity to gloat, he forgot that Sekhtyr have retractable claws. She slashed his throat. Leofric's assistant stepped in to save his life by yielding in his stead, dispite his non-verbal protests. Raanvyre's delegation held to their word and agreed to sign the treaty. All delegates signed on Khepanurys 24th, 363E7 (01/24/63).  

Oath of War (The Eighth Treaty)

  This document promised that, upon the creation of the Imperial State, all Member States would join The 20 Years War that was ongoing at the time.  This treaty was kept secret until after the final treaty had been signed.  It also included promises of terriorial gains and how the spoils of war would be split.  Prior to this, only the Gryvane and Sekhtyrn were at war with Crosvyre.  It was signed on Myrzanurys 20th, 363E7 (02/20/63).  The full text was not publically available until 370E7, 6 years after the war's end.  

Drakokrystal Regulations (The Ninth Treaty)

  It was recognized that a unified legal system for magical matters was critical to the stablility of the Empire. The mining of Drakokrystals had additional legal requirements placed on it, including basic safety practices and requiring permits to prospect for veins. The bulk of the regulations deal with Alchemy and Enchantment practices. It imposes a tax on the sale of Krystals to be paid to the Imperial State. It was signed on Prezenurys 12th, 363E7 (03/12/63).  

Imperial Consitution (The Tenth Treaty)

  The final document dissolved The Ivanavyne Kingdom which became the Imperial State of the newly formed Ivaruna Empire. Each signing delegation added their own nations as Member States. Lefwald Ivanaar became the first Emperor. The document also detailed the structure of the new state's government. It also codified the succession laws for the seat of the Emperor.

Historical Details


The Empire created by The Ten Treaties would stand for over 300 years before it fell during The Judgement of Talen.

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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