
Formally, The Kingdom of Safiera.  Safiera today is often called "The World's Arsenal" as they are the largest exporter of military equipment in the world.  They have a policy of strict neutrality.  If you wish to buy weapons from them, you must bring your own transport and pay up front.    Safiera was founded as a colony of the Kingdom of Crosvyre on Korsakia in 16e7.   During the Cyryx War for Independence the ruling Count Voron Carfir declared independence from The Kingdom of Crosvyre.  He crowned himself King and promptly abolished slavery within his new Kingdom.  King Carfir was motivated by an incident that had happened to him when he was 15 years old.  He was friends with a peasant girl his age Tephysea Shana, much to the dismay of his noble family. As teenagers are want to do, they got into some trouble.  They went to a neighboring Count's land, Traberos County and trespassed on the Manor grounds to pull a harmless prank.  Being the son of a noble, Carfir was sent home.  Tephysea was brutally beaten and taken to the dungeon.  The next day she was sentanced to slavery and was sold to another Count on Korsakia.  When Carfir attempted to buy her freedom he was mocked and ostracized by most nobles.  When the first uprising happened and the small nation of Cyryxeen first declared itself as an independent nation he saw an opportunity.  Carfir killed every member of his family in a single night, the next day he took power as Count.  During the war, he traded some hostages in exchange for Tephysea.  The two were married the next day.  Despite initial tension and mistrust between the two nations, Cyryxeen and Safiera were great allies for one another in the war.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Species


Sarphine is a Vassal to Safiera

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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