Desert's Spine Mountains

The Desert's Spine Mountains are the northern most mountains of the Regn'aii Desert, forming part of the northern border with Deuria. For most of their history, the mountains have been largely undistrubed and lacked any sign of real interest from either parties occupying the opposite sides. Previous treaties never secured sole ownership to either city-state and due to a lack of significant value, securing operations or control of the mountains were never pursued. This changed over the past few decades. Reg'naat syndicate pressence has begun to increase in the mountains and even mining operations have begun. Reports show little valuable resources being extracted which has lead many to believe that the syndicates are simply getting desperate to find new opportunites of expansion. The The Magus Collective in turn has not even attempted to push back against the Reg'naat operations growing to claim the mountain range. Though they have not formally relinquished any opposing claim, in practice they are nearly entirely absent.
Mountain Range