Reg'naii River

The Reg'naii River, also known as the Heart of the Desert, is the lifeblood of all who live within the desert. The massive river begins from two points, one in the north and one to the east, springing from deep underground reservoirs and flow west before meeting and continuing to the cost. The overwhelmingly primary source for drinking water in the desert and life bringer to the arid lands. The river brings nutrient rich sediments and minerals from below the earth, to the surface and fertilizes the lands along its shores. This creates the most fertile farmland in the Mortal Realm, allowing the people of the desert to more than provide enough crops to its citizens. While the fertile land does not stretch far from the shores, the sheer length of the river provides plenty of real estate to expand to and many small farming villages have sprung up to take advantage. Though the water is safe to drink, the nutrients within it that are so vital to the soil do make it rather unpleasant to drink unless first treated. While the waters flow freely outside of the city, the river's waters within city walls are considered to be under the ownership of the Oasis syndicate.