Talon Smashers

New Age Slayers


The origins of the Talon Smashers actually stems from the Engineer's Federation. Before the Accords, the Federation's main focus of research was dragon slaying combat weapons. This eventually lead to the creation of a guild outfitted with all of their most experimental technology to unleash upon their scaled foes, the Talon Smashers. While not all of their technology proved to be entirely effective or safe, it yielded amazing results that proved extremely difficult for the dragons to counter. While the guild was not officially a part of the Federation it was seen as an unofficial extension, showcasing the technological might of Merkonus to the world.

The Accords

When the Accords were signed, the Federation held true to its word and began confiscating any and all dragon slaying technology they had developed for storage or disposal. All projects ceased and all ties were severed with the Talon Smashers. Though the guild was not persecuted and hounded into dissolution, the seizure of all their equipment that had become so entwined with their identity left them aimless. Planned or not by the Federation, with no means to pursue their life's calling, the guild eventually disbanded.

Modern Day

With the resurgence of dragon slaying activity and rising draconic threat in the last century, the Talon Smashers have returned. Claiming to be the successors of their legacy, the new Talon Smashers have already left a notable impact with a return to advanced Federation technology in their hands. The Federation denies any and all connections to the guild's revival and actively pursues the guild to confiscate the weaponry or shut down the guild. It is unknown how the guild was able to seize firearms and constructs for their armory, but it has placed their names in the mouths of nearly all Merkonus' citizens. Some see this as a return to the Golden Age while others fear that hunts conducted with Federation weapons may be the match to igniting a second war.
Guild, Professional