The Breakers

The Breakers are one of the strongest syndicates in Reg'naat in a very literal sense. They often do not waste much time on details and subtlety. They burst onto the scene in a rain of violence that broke down syndicate after syndicate, forcing businesses and territories into the fold. The Breakers do little to manage the businesses within their control and primarily focus on combat and developing the most powerful and skilled combatants in the entire city. The Breakers have managed to retain staying power, despite the extreme lack of business acumen when compared to many others, through raw might. The actual territory and businesses they hold are smaller than a select few non Coalition members, but their presence could not be ignored and were granted a seat among the Coalition


The Breakers are lead by whoever is strongest, and so far none have been able to dispute the claim of the current leader and founder, Vrekea the Breaker. A towering combatant, she has personally burned a warpath through hundreds of enemies and crushed dozens of rival syndicates under hoof. With much less focus on managing businesses in her fold, she has a much looser hierarchy. Those in her ranks that prove to be the mightiest Breakers are brought into her inner circle and act as her enforcers and strike captains. Minimal logistic administration is expected.


The Breakers act almost more like a mercenary group than an actual syndicate. They hire out their own muscle to any other syndicate willing to pay unless they have a current beef with said syndicate. They conquer any territory and take in any businesses Vrekea feels like and extorts them for protection money. All things considered, many businesses taken in by her group don't mind too much as they have greater financial freedom, but must be very careful not to overstep or offend. More than a few businesses made that mistake and found their livelihood levelled by the next morning. The Breakers take a very active interest in the dragon trade and are even known to be quite friendly to known dragon slayers.
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader: Vrekea the Breaker 
Symbol: A black warhammer
Specialty: Dragon Slaying, Protection