Vrekea the Breaker (V-rek-ee-uh)

The Breakers

Vrekea is a towering and imposing figure that none in Reg'naat would sanely challenge. She has earned reputation as the fiercest and strongest warrior in the entire city, leaving a wake of bodies in the hundreds as a testament to her prowess. Vrekea is not one to waste much time on words and schemes like her compatriots within the Coalition. Vrekea and her syndicate carved their place among the syndicates in blood and breaking all that attempted to block her path. One of the newest members to the coalition she has continued this approach to great effect, proving a powerful ally or dangerous foe.
Alias(es): The Breaker
  Age: 33
  Status: Alive
  Gender: Female
  Race: Minotaur
  Affiliation: The Breakers, Reg'naat Coalition