The Golden Circle

Prime Opportunists


The Golden Circle's founding is traced back to the years shortly before the establishment of the Accords. The dragon slaying guilds were formed as a response to the draconic threat to serve honorably and faithfully in the name of the Mortal Realm and its people, not all who joined held such lofty ideals. The drive for honor and justice would frequently clash with other members who held a more selfish and monetary based drive for their work. These conflicts often lead to the less noble members of guilds being expelled to prevent infighting and maintain internal cohesion. These exiled members would find one another and form their own guild known as the Golden Circle. Rather than setting roots in any specific city, the Golden Circle constantly migrated, chasing wherever they found the best opportunity for bounty. The Golden Circle is the only guild on record known to sell their dragon slaying services to protect special interests over protecting the people.

The Accords

Once the Accords were signed, Golden Circle members quickly found little sympathy and protection for their continued activities within most of the Mortal Realm. Seen as crooks by most of the populous and akin to honorless brigands by their sibling guilds, few allies could offer them any respite. The large amounts of wealth they had acquired in the waning years of the conflict proved to be their only real salvation. Offering bribes to dozens of officials wherever they went and even allowing them to retain control of an airship. Eventually the Golden Circle would finally set roots within Reg'naat, a city that could understand their approach to life.

Modern Day

The Golden Circle still operates openly within Reg'naat, though primarily as a mercenary guild. Without the concerns for luxuries such as honor, they have continued to thrive as a business. They hold one of the largest active member bases of any of the known remaining guilds. The quality of actual dragon slayers within the guild remains open to speculation, but many detractors claim it has devolved into a menial mercenary group. There is likely some truth to this statement but there are rumors that the Golden Circle still hunt to this day whenever the Reg'naat Coalition get desperate. The Golden Circle is well aware of their reputation and care little about it. They understand that gold is what keeps the world moving, gold is what keeps them fed and armed, and it was gold that protected them when almost every other guild around them crumbled. Honor isn't what kept them alive and working to this day. Their guild is commited to ensuring that their doors never close for good.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary