Reg'naat Coalition

Equal Partners

The Reg'naat Coalition is a loose alliance between the largest and most powerful syndicates within the city. Each syndicate has amassed a mercantile empire and extensive networks of contacts. Each syndicate has its hands in multiple ventures throughout the city, each with a particular industry in which they specialize. The Syndicate leaders or representatives meet often to discuss the logistics of running the city, though most meetings often focus on discussing their own personal business interests. Each syndicate at the table is granted an equal seat and is entitled to equal claim of any new opportunities and profits derived from them. When these opportunities are presented, each syndicate is allowed to propose bids to cement their claim. This may involve cutting deals with other syndicate seats, but in some cases bids go unchallenged. While every syndicate is given equal right to stake claims, they all know when it is best to let certain opportunities pass by to avoid challenging a dominated market. Most of the syndicates are so expansive, they hold multiple businesses that compete with each other, but each specializes in a particular industry. These specialized interests lead to their respective syndicate being in charge of running and administering that facet of the state's economy and maintenance. The syndicate in with majority control of the fishing market for example would be in charge of ensuring that enough food is making its way onto the markets and keeping the people fed. When a syndicate is seen to be failing in its duties or grown to weak to maintain its status, a vote can be called by any current member to have them removed. If a rising syndicate is seen as strong enough, they can also be invited to join with a majority vote.

Syndicate Relations

The business nature of each syndicate and its relations with one another can lead to tensions and competition rising. This has lead to many rivalries between seated members in the past and schemes to see the other removed. Uninvolved parties are more than happy to leave the rivals alone and let the better syndicate win. However, this approach is not always viable. Gang warfare is one of the worst things for the city and can lead to wide spread damage and loss of profits for everyone. If gang warfare seems imminent, the Coalition will step in and settle matters, usually with harsh penalties to all sides. Not all inter syndicate relations are so confrontational and alliances are also common. The common annoyance for all syndicates are the city guard. Though the Coalition holds far more power, the guards provide a common nuisance or expense to continue running operations optimally.

Current Members

Alliance, Generic

Articles under Reg'naat Coalition