The Faerie Wilds Geographic Location in Dreaming Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Faerie Wilds

The Faerie Wilds is all that remains of the once prosperous realm of the Fae. It is a fragmented dimension, held together by The Weave, the same structure that separates the mundane realm from the others. The Faerie Wilds is a combination of the wildest nature and the architecture of the old Fae civilizations. It is easy to get lost in The Wilds, and one should never wander too far, as they might end up never returning. Many still do, thanks to the rumoured riches once left behind.

The Faerie Wilds can be accessed through Crossroads, as well as the fairy rings. Compass Moths are almost a must for those who want to venture deeper to this fragmented realm.


If you imagine how a fantastical realm would look like after all the humanoid species have disappeared, you have The Faeries Wilds. Nature has taken back the once blooming cities of the Fae, filling them with plants and wildlife. The realm is filled with huge, green forests, crystal clear ponds and meadows filled with flowers as tall as trees.

With magic gone rampant, one can never be sure what awaits behind the next corner. It flows through every plant and every creature native to the Wilds, changing them in ways that no wildest imagination could come up with. Same goes to the Wilds itself; no two visits are the same, as The Faerie Wilds is alive, and keeps shifting, almost like it has a mind of its own.


The ecosystem of The Faerie Wilds is believed to be fueled by magic, that flows through every creature living in it. 

Localized Phenomena

The Faeries Wilds does not have a natural cycle of night and day, nor does it have changing seasons - at least not in the way the mundane realm has. Instead, it seems to have pockets of localized occurrences of both. One moment a visitor could be walking through the wintery landscape in the moonlight, and in the next, they could find themselves in a forest that bathes in the midsummer sunlight. 
Alternative Name(s)
The Wilds
Dimensional, Pocket
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

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