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The Sand Scorned Gorgon Queen

A hand emerges from the darkness of the tomb, wrapping around the corner of the sandstone. As her claws dig into the stone, it cracks and crumbles, sending a cascade of dust and thin sand into the air. A figure slowly emerges, pulling herself through the narrow opening. The woman is barefoot, somewhat withered and frail as she enters the dim light. Her body is wrapped loosely in old, sandstained linen. Her skin, as the light settles, appears mummified, pulling taunt over bones. But it is her hair that draws attention as it writhes and twists behind her. Hair fades to what resembles dull pale scales, curled up, dried, and withered. Sand falls behind her as she walks, almost stumbling as if delirious. As she pries herself from the gap, her hand reaches up to claw at wrapping around her eyes and through cracked lips, she speaks, voice broken and desperate.  
Laurelia, if that is you, will you not sing?   Laurella, gift me one of your crafts, won't you my child?   Laureli, let me hear the rhythm of your steps.   My darling Laurels, is that you? Have you finally returned to your mother...
  Once the wife of Lark, God of Creativity, Akeldama has become a withered and cursed husk of what she once was. Her hair rises and drifts like snakes, ready to attack those who dare enter her tomb. Her gaze sinks deep into one's very being, locking their joints and turning them to stone, constructing a macabre gallery of the stone forms of unfortunate or perhaps foolish travelers of the Sea of Moving Art. In her current state, Akeldama seems delirious and perhaps a bit crazy. Through all that, in a warped way, the woman still desperately cares for her trio of daughters... and seems to now loath the man and god she once loved.
Current Status
Cursed by a powerful force
Current Location
Withered, white scaled snakes
Aligned Organization
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