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In the company of High Lord Vetulátos is a kalashtar woman in her late twenties. She is dressed in fine green clothing lined with gold. A brilliant emerald necklace hangs from her neck. Her hair is kept mostly pulled back and out of her face. One might think she is a socialite or daughter of a wealthy merchant from Caliban... If it wasn't for how her eyes are always downcast and she generally does not speak until spoken to. Meena is a slave to high Lord Vetulátos and the Green Dragon Clan. She also bears a striking resemblance to Moira and very well seems to be her older sister.

Meena is the eldest of three. She grew up on a small farm and remembers leaving a younger sister in the New District of Caliban. While she recognizes that she was young when it occurred, she appears to hold herself at fault for not saying or doing anything. Whether or not she is religious is unclear, but she seems to hold some belief in the powers of fate. She considers her current position to both be a fate of her own making and one dealt to her for the actions of the past. Perhaps one day, the family might be united again.
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