BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 61

General Summary

It's All Just a Giant Megabed, Isn't It?

Upon finishing the morning visit to the Temple of The One, the trio of Widow, Ghilani, and Moira went to the tower of Carmenthia. There, after speaking with guards and staff, they made their way to the Murigen Spa and Library – an establishment clearly modeled after the Orchidea Spas in Carmenthia, at least in concept. Mary eventually emerged in a robe having come from bathing. Rayen followed behind her. Before asking the blood of Shenzi any questions, Mary inquired about what they were able to learn from the 8 foot tall dragonborn. Perhaps you may not have spoken to her... but there are other ways to glean information. In the first three questions, the party learned that Shenzi does not know where the Doctor is, was obviously sent to Caliban for a reason, and that she is aware she wasn't his favorite.

  Meanwhile, Rani and Newt made their way back to the University of Eredet. Walking up to the Fowell Observatory and Aviary, Rani didn't detect any hidden or trap doors. In the observatory, both Rani and Newt took a moment to look through the massive scope, slowly completing its current rotation. The scope shows the Barrier. With the naked eye, the Barrier seems like nothing more than an odd warping in the air far away at the horizon. Through the scope, it appears like a mixture of pastel rainbow light, dancing and woven together with threads of light. The scope flashes two numbers. The researcher nearby mentioned that it provides the output of the divine and arcane energy readings. Perhaps one day it might be used as an energy source. Newt asked what lies beyond the Barrier. The researcher isn't certain and Newt thinks its the boogeyman. If you are curious about results or published papers, you'd have to take it up with the Valdove family. They're the primary funders.

After consulting with Mary, Ghilani finally was freed from having to stare down his murderer and her maniacal grin once more. With the final two questions, The Doctor works with a woman and people in white masks. Is the woman obsessed with clocks? Tick Tock. Mary is a bit concerned that all they have is an unreliable narrator who, at past, is only giving partial truths. The trio recalled that, when diving into Olivantha's memories, she was held down by figures in all white masks. Moira, having scried on The Doctor, remembered he was assisted by white-masked figures in surgeon garments. Mary mentioned that while Rayen and her were traveling to Eredet, they stopped to investigate some missing persons reports... One of them caught Mary's eye. The daughter wasn't actually a runaway. No, her father sold her to two figures in all white masks.

  Newt and Rani traveled to the District of Oshiv'Ran and the Elét Wildlife & Nature Sanctuary. Near the main entrance, a statue of Wisteria Rose is featured. The elderly gnomish woman cradles four seemingly enchanted flowers in her arms. Rani stopped to get free flower – pink roses that the seller mentioned means happiness. She also inquired as to why Wisteria was considered the grandmother of the city as opposed to the mother. The flower seller told her that she came to Eredet to support her daughter and then later granddaughters. By the time she joined the Council, she was already a grandmother and certainly acted like it. No secret doors around here.

  Ghilani sent to Rani and asked her (along with Newt) to meet with him to speak with Dr. Valdove, updating her on both the map and the journal. Rani expressed what she'd recently learned about the map's potential purpose and that she really shouldn't be the one to speak to The One... she has a bad track record with talking to gods. Serene assured her that she has many more gods to practice on, but also raised a question that has perplexed her: Why were the map and diary found together? Given that the journal belonged to an Oracle, she can't help but shake the feeling that they must be intertwined.

  Dr. Valdove seemed to momentarily linger on the description of Judas. It's not the finding that she is looking for, but it seemed to catch her interest that the journal's description of Judas matched the carving in the Temple of The One. Still, Serene seems a bit disappointed and impatient. If this woman was a prophet... perhaps she will reveal prophecies or prophetic musings. And if she does, perhaps they may shed light on their current time and predicament.

  Newt asked an off the wall question about the Barrier, taking a new interest in it. Serene mentioned that, although needing to brush up on her religious theory, the Barrier was created with the calendar year and was put into place by the pantheon. Regarding what lies beyond, that has been lost to time. There are no written records that have survived and the loose oral traditions are harder to verify. Some say there is nothingness beyond, just the aftermath of destruction. Others say that there must be seas and lands beyond. However, most accept that the Barrier was put into place for a reason and has remained. Why bother considering what is beyond?

  The question of the pantheon's creation was the next topic. Yes, The One created the pantheon, but how they did so is less clear. It is plausible that The One simply willed them into being from nothing or that The One made them from something else. Rani mentioned what Mistress 8 had asked of her and how she had been asked about replacing a god. Is a fractured pantheon – with its missing part – even able to be whole? Is a fractured pantheon to blame for the world going to shit right now? Dr. Valdove does not have an answer, but offered advice: When you speak to The One, ask them to make the pantheon whole again.

  Dr. Valdove kept Ghiani for a moment longer. Can she still trust him? You do understand that I am doing ALL of this for my mother. She will do what she must. Ghilani assured her that she can still trust him. If Serene cannot bring Judas back – if there is truly nothing left of him – then the weight of the continent may rest on your friend's shoulders. Help her as you can. Ghilani assured her once more that – one way or another – the pantheon will be made whole once more. He then gave her a hug and tried to tell her to eat a sandwich with lots of mayo. Serene, as she shoved him out of her office, saying that she's in her eighties and he's in his twenties... he can't tell her what to do. Still, she smiled. And if they succeed... Ghilani will earn his doctorate.

  Convening at the tea house, the Deep End had some nice afternoon tea in the tea lounge. Newt tried to pick a locked, ornate chest that hasn't been opened and couldn't ick it. Ghilani decided to buy a bent souvenir spoon.

  Returning to the comforts of megabed, Ghilani began his next attempt at deciphering the journal. Newt and Widow spoke about what msitress 8 had asked and Widow made Newt promise that he wouldn't jump to kill Therarask. Moira spoke to Rani via the mind link. Before she met them, Moira had a vision about Dysis... and it seemed the Oracle was speaking to the Dread King, but also about Moira? She has three theories: (a) Dysis is super prophetic and knew about them in the past and is dead, (b) Dysis is alive and still aware of them, or (c) she just straight up transcends time.

  The Deep End left Ghilani to tend to his journal while they attended another party. Newt noticed a vaguely familiar tiefling woman in a booth with various other wealthy looking individual. Moira connected with her sister, who was able to step away. Their family has a small farm in a small town called Wayside on the road from Eredet to Caliban. They fell on hard times five years after leaving Moira in the New District and when the Green Dragon Clan offered aid, Meena offered herself as a slave in exchange. Vetulátos, for all its worth, has treated her well. He has provided aid to their family and gives her news here and there. Their brother, Marama, has married and is expected a baby! They may very well both be aunts. Meene considers her fate both dealt to her and actively chosen by her as penance for not doing anything when Moira was abandoned. Perhaps one day, they can all be united as a family once more.

When Lavathi saw Newt, her face turned a pal, ashen white and she almost immediately ducked out through a side door of the Tower Citadel ballroom. Rani, however, stealthily managed to catch up to her. Lavathi wants absolutely nothing to do with Newt and his bastard father. She has her own children now to worry about and she will not risk associating with Newt while an executioner roams the city. Rani vowed to prove that Newt was at least worthy of her acknowledgement and respect. Lavathi thinks it's a pointless vow... and assured Rani that she has her children's security under control.

After going out drinking, Widow carried a plastered Newt back to the comforts of megabed. Rani gave a loaf of bread to Moira as a replacement for her pillow... she seems to be sleep-eating. Widow then confronted Ghilani about what Mistress 8 asked him to do in exchange for her blood. Ghilani seemed to hesitate, first lying and then refusing to answer as he was concerned that telling them would make them mad at him. When Widow mentioned the Therarask thing, Ghilani was a bit agitated: You call that love? Is that what love really is? Rani intervened. We need to trust each other and everyone's words. Rani hopes that Ghilani will tell them in his own time. Newt sat bolt upright to loudly declare that he is not a liar. Rani really wishes the Deep End was as honest as her family.

As the others slept, Widow sought out Mistress 8. After practically barging into her home and asking to know what was up with Six, Mistress 8 seemed displeased by what she interpreted as demands. What right does he think he has to make requests, much less demands of her? He has proven to be little more than a compromised bloodhunter with misplaced loyalties. However, she did offer the following information: Six is being hunted. She has been hunted many times before and her tricks and cunning have allowed her to escape a gruesome fate... but she fears with the current times, that she may not be able to do so this time. Widow thanked her and left.

Arriving at the High Council meeting chambers, Dr. Valdove, High Lord Valdove, and the Grand Priest were already present. Serene showed Ghilani how to project images across the table. Widow asked Serene for any last minute pointers, though the political atmosphere is not her area of expertise – she's the academic.

Ivan arrived... and then was promptly dismissed as Aepius – with a very tired, exasperated tone – told Lux "not today".

The entire High Dremoran Council made their way into the chambers, one by one. High Lady Sephira La'Talenna gave a quick glance over everyone. High Lord Carter Steelwind seemed to care very little for the group. High Lord Veulátos gave a small smile and a nod to each member of the Deep End and his fellow council members. High Lord Pekk Nozhawk gave a mild glare as he entered, raising a feathered brow. High Lord Emir Maletshatsi gave a smile and a nod of acknowledgment to Rani. The real High Lord Evan paused to apologize to Rani, pleased that the Council has been convened quickly. High Lord Ironborn seems to give a cold assessment to everyone, but says nothing. Lady Tatsuya kicked the doors open, scowling openly as she begrudgingly took her seat. High Lord Jasper Delkova made a point to glare at Widow and Ghilani, while giving a bow to both Rani and Moira. And finally, the really High Lord Lux Briar waltzed in, kicking their feet up on the table and saying "Well, shall we get started?".


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