BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 54

General Summary

Difficult Conversations & Research Updates

Before Widow could wake up, Ghilani levitated him and escorted him, with Rani, to a field just outside Porcelain Avenue. On their way over, Rani asked if Primus One was there and then apologized for their interrogation of them. Once there, Rani had Ghilani drop the Widow, smashed the remaining bottle of sake near his head, and then threw the Widow's sword at him. As the Widow groggily came to, Rani demanded he stand and fight. What if we had been attacked and you were wasted like this? Rani charged him, landing several blows until the Widow fell into unconsciousness again. Ghilani observed, attempting – and failing – to look intimidating.

After being healed, Widow admitted that there was a lot going on with Therarask. The god had cracked in his last dream. Rani pressed him: why don't you talk about these things? Regarding the brand, it CLEARLY wasn't consensual and Ghilani emphasized the "it's toxic" part again. Widow, however, defended Therarask, mentioning that the brand may also have to do with his powers... ensuring others hurt more when he brands them. On a tangential note, the party debated what the other gods might be like with Beloveds. Ragna might be down for some fighting that would leave marks like the Widows. Rani offered a sandwich and some orange juice, telling Widow to start sobering up.  
  On the topic of slavery once more, should they take a moment to do something about it? Do they really even have any leads? When asked, Ghilani mentioned that he hasn't spoken to Azhi as he was asked not to by Captain Faumea. He wasn't, however, asked to not reach out to the Captain. When he sent to her, the elven captain seemed confused. She's lost... and she asked Ghilani to find her sister.  
  At Moonlight Horizons, the trio found Dr. Valdove sitting with Cali. Ghilani explained what he had gotten from Faumea and Dr. Valdove quickly located her sister via magical means and then disappeared. Cali asked if the shirtless thing was new foe Widow. When Widow remarked that he was stupid, but that Cali was of course fantastic, Cali responded that his statement had been contradictory: "Obviously if you know I'm fantastic, you can't be stupid."  
  A few minutes later, Dr. Valdove returned with Faumea. The elven captain looks tired and disheveled, missing her armor. There are notable bruises around her wrists, but otherwise, she doesn't appear to be malnourished. She recalls meeting the group on her boat in Carmenthia (and being annoyed) and that Azhi was with her. They were following Porysis' trail and were sailing North along the coast of Caliban... and then her memory gets fuzzy until she wakes up on a random stretch of beach. When pressed about her mission, she informed them that she was pursuing a lead that Azhi found about Porysis' slaver entrance to the House of Jade. Perhaps they found something... or got too close to something... and that's why her recent memory is shattered. With the Bronze having lost the election, Cali offered to update Nadeen and perhaps convince him to go on an ocean adventure with her! They can try and pick up the trail alongside the Grand Admiral. Cali and Faumea then left.  
Ghilani tried to send to Azhi. Familiar with the spell, it felt like it identified the target... but then was intercepted or blocked. Azhi has seemingly found herself in a location where one cannot send messages in... The only place like that in the near vicinity is Kar's slowly retracting blizzard. 

When Widow had left to finally go get his shirt and armor, Ghilani unburdened his thoughts and, somewhat panicked, expressed that he thinks he isn't real. Dr. Valdove was caught very off guard, but Rani quickly moved to reassure Ghilani that he very much was real. As far as they know, the gods were made and they're real. Rani hasn't read any legends or stories about The One fucking anyone. Dr. Valdove confessed that part of the reason she agreed to take Ghilani on as an assistant was... curiosity. Blood witches are generally women. Bloodhunters, like your friend, are often male and, in times long passed, were many amidst the services of blood witches. It does seem a bit peculiar that, if the person who made Ghilani was Primus One... that he would be made the way he is.  
  When Ghilani lamented that his mother was not his mother, Dr. Valdove asked a series of questions: Did she raise you? Was she there, morning and night, for you? Did she do everything she could so you could grow and thrive? Then she is your mother, Ghilani.  
Rani mentioned the woman in her dreams and the visions she has seen once behind the cover of Dr. Valdove's magical barrier. Dr. Valdove expressed concerns regarding that. If Rani is comfortable sharing the dreams, it may provide additional fuel to support her proposal to the High Dremoran Council. However, perhaps it is for the best not to mention that the fragment of the Dread King Rani encountered in Varoona called her Soyolmaa... and expressed any form of familiarity, even if misplaced. Any thread of familiarity may force Rani to be confined for questioning and Dr. Valdove (and Prof. Dunebrook) need her in the field, free to move as she pleases.  
  When Rani showed the map, Dr. Valdove seemed intrigued by its capabilities and noted that the symbols of Rani's map match what she has found on the binding crystals. She uncovered another set in Carmenthia, guarded by a giant creature that had been clearly warped by the Dread King's influence. The binding crystal there contains symbols of The One, Carmenthia, Caliban, and Varoona and is starting to crack. She has found the second and reinforced it. These crystals may be the source of the plague. She is concerned that there are still more on the continent.  
Regarding the High Dremoran Council, Dr. Valdove wishes to prevent war, which would be inevitable should the Dread King rise again. She would prefer that they stop the war from ever happening and take the fight to him on their terms. This would involve breaking the binding crystals and defeating him there. Ideally, they could send a small army or perhaps an elite force... but this would require the Council's permission. Otherwise, the other option is to prepare the entire continent for war.  
    Finished with academic talk, Dr. Valdove excused herself. Rani went and commissioned a replica of the Bag of Holding. They were stopped soon after by an entourage of golden dragonborn who gifted them with 4 tapestries, a gift from Lady Cyra the Gold.  
  After training with the Moon Guard for a bit, the Deep End left Caliban behind, teleporting to Tel'Rhea.  

The Blood Witch Six

Arriving in the realm of Tel'Rhea, nature and civilization exist in perfect harmony. However, the flowers in the immediate vicinity seem to wilt slightly and Primus One was quick to issue Ghilani a warning about lingering too long. Tel'Rhea is a bitch, after all, dear.

Familiar with the city and the path, Widow took the group to Six's orchard. Densely packed trees bear fruits in an assortment of colors and a massive tree juts up to the sky from somewhere within. Widow was able to walk directly to Six's front porch, the crows announcing his arrival with prclomations of "Idiot, IDIOT! ...idiot." Ghilani tried sprinting into the orchard 15 times, being thrown out every time, while Rani waited, nibbling on a snack before they both were permitted entry and invited in.  
  Six is a surprisingly short tabaxi, standing shorter than even Ghilani, and a notorious hoarder if her shop is any indicator. She greeted the party, encouraging them to wonder her shop. Ah, yes, Ghilani needs her blood. Perhaps you can find Purrsephone for me then? The cat went to get some Crystal Kiva root and has yet to come back. It's a VERY important ingredient in rituals, yes! Ghilani and Widow descended into the root tunnels beneath her shop, while Rani remained with Six.  
  Rani updated Six and asked about Widow. Do you know he's in a relationship with a god and it's probably not very good? How do you stop him from drinking? He started that up again. Six led Rani to the kitchen to sit and discuss.  
  Ghilani and Widow found a set of four fey-like beings enjoying what appeared to be a tea party: a dryad, a tiger lily, a spriggan, and a bat-like owl. Of course, Purrsephone is here as a matter of fact! If you guess which is Purrsephone, then she'll return to Six!  
  Six is not pleased about the situation and promised to speak to Widow. She calls him a "dumb, stupid, idiot boy" because those are words he should reclaim – they should not be permitted to hurt him because they are his words. You beat him? Six leaned in close and told Rani that Widow's father used to beat him. Be careful how you choose to get through to him. If you beat too hard, they will bend. Widow will bend easily. Yes, he won't break, but what good is a bent sword in battle?  
  As Rani wandered the shop for a bit, she noticed a series of tallies on the back wall. Widow assured her it was a good thing.  
  Ghilani demanded that everyone do jumping jacks and then asked about each of their hobbies. When he inquired about lying, they all assured him they were truthful. Zeroing in on the owl-bat, Ghilani declared his guess and after saying he was sure, but not sounding sure... the owl-bat shrunk into a beautiful cat-like creature with a beak, wings, and owl-like face. With the strut of a model, Purrsephone led them back to Six. The tabaxi is very happy that she can now make her tea.  
Pulling Widow aside, Six began to grill him slightly. You don't stand up for yourself? Even the gods should be held accountable for their actions. Six remembers Sylvia very fondly, but this god... they remind her more of Widow's father. Six mentioned that Widow – stupid nickname – is her bloodhunter and represent Six everywhere he goes and with everything he does. Six knows she deserves the best and therefore, so does Widow. If you will not stand up for yourself, do so on Six's behalf. And know that you will always have a safe place to return to here. This is your home and it always shall be.  
  Ah yes, about the tallies! If you find yourself in Lark'Hal, Six hasn't heard from Savant Three for a while. It could just be because the other blood witch is bitter that Six is winning. If you could check in with her, though, Six would like that.  
  After cleaning up the bottles in Widow's room and hanging up some hammocks, Rani opened up to Widow about feeling useless recently and, perhaps, she picked the fight this morning in the hope that Widow would hit her back... she had hoped to be punished a bit. When Widow asked about going to Lark'Hal, Rani mentioned that perhaps it's best that she stay away... this found family is more than enough of a family for her right now.  
  Ghilani told Widow what happened to his mother. Widow commented that at least Ghilani didn't see it happen. Ghilani isn't sure it would have made any difference.  
  Touching base with some friends, Noel told Rani to meet her at the Tyrant's Tavern on the Middle levels of the Coliseum. You'll love it here. Noel also mentioned that they're preparing "The Gauntlet". Zephus, unfortunately, has left the Coliseum. He is taking his time undertaking a pilgrimmage of sorts on his way back to Lark'Hal. He's glad Rani liked the paintings.  
  Ghilani poked around and found a tome that OOZES magic of all sorts. He closed the door and decided NOT to mess with it.  
  At breakfast, Ghilani asked if Six had any funny stories about Widow. Six launched on a tale of how the Widow was a victim of a prank orchestrated by the rare joint efforts between Purrsephone and Silver Hat, one of the crows. He spent the day walking around in old crow feathers stuck to his entire body. Afterward, Widow spent all day with Six improving his healing potion making abilities. Ghilani got onto Purrsephone's good side and went with Rani to find some Eltartem fruit in the expansive orchard. Rani then spent some time training.  
  Where to next? The Coliseum? Six mentioned that Matron Seven forges weapons and did recognize her handiwork in Rani's blades. Ah, what a shock! Matron Seven won't even forge blades for the Warrior Elite! Six knows that Mistress Eight moves through the Bay area and perhaps can assist with Rani's issue of avoiding detection. The more elusive blood witch takes payments in... a variety of ways. Matron Seven and Mistress Eight were good friends, perhaps the Matron can help a bit more.  
  That evening, Rani climbed home tree and slept under the stars. In the distance, a wall of dark gray and black smog is held at bay by a shimmering white and green magical barrier. Meanwhile, Ghilani got distracted by the crows while chasing after a noise and fell. They seemed amused. When Ghilani was talking to a door upstairs, Six appeared. No one else is here but she and he. Widow visited his wife's grave, placing marigolds on it and telling her everything that's happened.  
  Ghilani spoke with Primus One, curious after Six had mentioned that the volcano won't explode should Primus One be on the island. Primus One seems unconcerned as the volcano won't explode... though she knows what might make it. To Primus One, the Dread King's War was a symbol, the starting point of the end for the current pantheon. They have forgotten their purpose and have fallen short of their divinity. Primus One would see the pantheon bound to the land replaced by a pantheon bound by blood. If you help me, Ghilani, I will give you a say in who shall take the gods' places. If you want to know about the cracking, perhaps you should ask the gods... so Ghilani prayed to Therarask, wanting to know about Widow's dead wife and to just be friends with the god.  
  Having resolved to do as Rani and Six said and "put on his big boy pants and face the god", Widow instead found Lucille. She assured him that they have it covered... Thera's in no right place of mind to talk, sulking behind the lavafall. She seemed to be on Widow's side, being incredibly apologetic and placing Therarask in the wrong. She encouraged the Widow to do what he needs to do, she'll handle things here. As the dream faded, Lucille seemed afraid.  
  The Deep End returned to Caliban, preparing to continue on to the Coliseum.
Report Date
09 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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