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Easy to spot amidst the waitresses and attendants of Dragon's Den is a young Yuan-Ti woman with long dark hair and one arm. Zetla is the daughter of Zion, a long-time escort within the drug den. As a child of the den, the patrons and workers alike seem to be immensely fond of Zetla and the woman often refers to many of them as Auntie, Uncle, or Counsin even though she bares no clear resemblance to any of them. Despite her familiarity with the patrons, she doesn't use that as any excuse to slack off. Zetla although quiet and demure, is diligent in her work going about it with practiced ease. To assist her with her job, she moves about with a white and icy blue snake around her shoulders. While she carries a tray of drinks and other items in one hand, Ordo distributes them to patrons as she moves.

While Zetla seems to be a happy young girl surrounded by people who adore her, there is a look of longing and perhaps frustration in her eyes when she whispers quietly to Ordo while taking a short break from her rounds. And if one looks close enough, Zetla is peculiar. Is her walking gait slightly different than normal? Are those scars on her shoulder blades that peak out from the back of her gown?


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