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Session 21: "You son of a bitch, I'm in!"

General Summary

Campaign nr 21 24/03/2021   Two elven rangers stand guard at the walls of the Fortress. Down below, a brother and sister ready themselves for battle. The queen's advisor witnesses her worried expression; one she has not had for over 2000 years. Something is coming...   Off in the distance, a small army amasses. Yeenoghu approaches. Alongside him, a Jester. The Queen gets up and walks towards the window. Yeenoghu seems to look directly at her from so far away.   The brother and sister move in to protect the fortress. They take out many foes, but the brother falls after taking a fatal blow. The two rangers open fire, but as the left one looks to the other, his lover, to see if he is alright... He is struck in the eye by an arrow, killing him. The right one continues to fire arrow after arrow. The outer defences should hold.   The figure next to Yeenoghu, the giant dog creature, has something in its hand. Its eyes seem to change. The jester laughs. Inside the arm is a small black crystal... a shard . The shard breaks into dust. The barrier is destroyed. The fortress is no more.   --------   Our heroes' patience is rewarded, as Alistair safely returns, having repaired the engines. Usze goes in to question him about what happened at the laboratory. He explains that it was indeed the Qulvo, however it was not his fault; Doctor Hasnar was near infatuated by the creatures, but was overzealous. Thanks to his actions the sludge monsters escaped, and destroyed the laboratory with it. Alister takes his leave, but as he does Yash notices an odd movement from his finger, some sort of glitched spasm.   Usze shares that he wishes to return to Traskarr and find Lydia, his old companion, as she has an ally of Yeenoghu with her. The group go towards the Inn in the safe zone to find the rest of their crew, and also to take a rest before they continue on.   ############ EDITOR'S NOTE: *The group approaches a robot lady at the desk of the In* Usze: "Hello ma'am, we are seeking some of our crewmates. I don't know their names, but I can describe them by appearance if that's okay with you..." robo woman: "That works!" Seraphina: "Guy who keeps calling everyone dickhead." Robo woman: "Got it, door to your left" ############   Lysander opens the door and we immediately hear our dickhead friend shooting vodka bottles, talking to Jem. Lysander immediately tells Jem that his father has passed. It seems Jem had already received a message from him. The party hands over all the items they had taken off of Ruuch's corpse. He accepts some, but leaves others for the group to keep. He then goes off to find some peace and quiet.   Dickhead guy throws a sweater over to Raine, a sweater made by Jem. He then (Not so secretly) asks Seraphina why they brought a hobo with them. Yash can hear them and introduces himself. Dickhead guy then tells them Arulo and Rashall came by earlier and have taken Dunno and the Bodyguard with them, adding in that for some reason the bodyguard had a French accent. Usze realises its the Nahiki from the jar, but keeps it to himself.   Raine goes off to look for Jerimiah. Lysander goes off to drink some apple juice at the bar, and the rest follow suit. They talk amongst themselves. Seraphina does not really "work" for Saan, but simply followed his advice. She is now sticking with the group because of how insane their adventures are, and she is all for that chaos. Yash asks Usze how he learned of the name Yeenoghu, and he tells him the whole story of his journey down to the factory with Raine and his old party members, including some info about the eyes.   Yash then adds how strange it is for such a relatively weak person to be intertwined with all these different factions, who all play a role in the conflict that is unfolding right now. The Lizard says he doesn't know, claiming its mere coincidence. Yash insist it is not, saying that "The universe is rarely so lazy". Seraphina meanwhile starts chewing on some ice cubes.   Raine enters Jem's room and consoles him. She hops up to sit next to him on the bed, while wearing the sweater he made. She compliments it, saying its lovely! Jem chuckles a little and tells her she needs not to lie. They chat a little more until Raine pulls out her hat of disguise and transforms into Jem. Jem is fascinated, and Raine tells him his father really wanted to have a hat like hers. After some more laughs, Raine takes her leave. Jem thanks her for helping him feel better.   The group separates to find a room to rest. A knock is heard on Usze's door. He opens it cautiously and sees Yash. Yash enters and asks him about the agreement Usze took with Rashall, asking him if he even knows what he's doing. Usze shares he is not doing this for Rashall's sake, saying its merely a postponed death and that he still hates the demi-god. Yash interrupts and says his hatred is not deserved. He then tells him to realise he is looked up to by some of the group, and that he should not pull others with him into this doomed planet quest. Usze reassures the old alien that he has no plans to bring anyone with him. He just wants to fulfil the promises he made, and then disappear. Seraphina is still chewing on ice cubes in the bar.   The next morning Lysander and Usze are having breakfast, Seraphina comes in and pesters Lysander a little the eye and Akhenaten are speaking amongst themselves in a different language. Yash comes in and understands it however. He smiles to himself and says "The whore is dead then is she?" The eye and Akhenaten turn to look at him, slightly confused.   Yash explains his hatred for the Fey. Long ago his people were banned from returning to their home world by the fey. Atrox fought against them on our planet, but was weakened by the battle with the "Father", the god of our planet. Yash and "the guardian" were there to witness how Telarus, one of the sons, killed both the The Father and Atrox. All the other sons were killed in battle too. Yash is surprised no one knows about it, but it turns out most of this story was wiped from the history books by Telarus himself.   Usze asks a few more questions and then explains again how he wishes to return to Traskarr and find the Gnoll Lydia keeps with her. Lysander goes over to talk with his dad, asking what his next objective should be. They have a heartfelt moment and his father tells him to pursue what he wants to do. Lysander wishes to continue travelling with his new friends. Alister's face glitches a little.   The whole crew warps back to the island. Usze worried that Arulo may have taken the ship, sends his demi-wyrm familiar to check. It is, and the group get on to start sailing. Usze mentions the Kraken that destroyed the harbour of Sycaath, and thus most of the trip Yash is checking the waters for anything. He sees many horrid creatures, but the Kraken is nowhere to be found. The crew safely arrives at Sycaath.   Once upon arrival Usze explains how society lives in the current day, how they're hiding in tombs protected by the eyes except for Kalanthus, which is still standing strong thanks to Saan. The group decides not to visit the black eye and instead immediately warp towards Traskarr. Once there, Usze tasks Raine with showing the new members around while he himself goes to the blue eye.   After a greeting, he asks him what the black eye was talking about, how he is "not what he may seem". The blue eye simply states he lives partially off of lies like his green brother, something the black eye hates. Relieved, Usze asks if the Gnoll is still here. The blue eye confirms, tasking Usze to interrogate the creature about Yeenoghu. The lizard goess off to find the group.   He finds the group along with many others surrounding Lydia who is just vibin', jazzing on her signature Tuba. Not having heard such sweet tunes in a long while, Usze instinctively starts dancing. After her jam session she notices Usze and then notices his missing arm. She orders him to tell her everything that happened. First Usze introduces the group to her. He then asks if she still has the Gnoll.   She yells "Greg, get over here!", and sure enough the Gnoll comes running. Yash uses his awesome powers to have a conversation with the Gnoll, and successfully manages to find out Yeenoghu destroyed the Fey as revenge for what they did all those years ago, in the name of Atrox. Usze asks Yash what actually threatened his, and by extention Rashall's planet. Yash tells him its the Fey. Usze then follows up with "But if the Fey have been taken out by Yeenoghu, what does your planet need saving from?" The two think for a moment but can't really find an answer. Maybe Usze is now freed from his debt to Rashall?   With that done, Usze goes off to tell Lydia everything that happened since he left, and the rest join them. Yash on the other hand decides to explore Traskarr above ground. The place feels somewhat familiar to him, as this was where Atrox was murdered by his son Telarus. The night passes, and in the morning everyone gets a message sent by Saan. "There is a meeting in my office, come now asap." The group meets up and plan to make their way to Kalanthus. Usze first introduces the new members of the group to the blue eye, and asks for the crab mech. Lysander inspects it and immediatly figures out how to pilot it.   The blue eye asks them to go on his behalf, and teleports the group to the gates of Calanthus. At the gate, a guard was expecting us. He goes down the list and at the end asks for Ruuch. Usze shakes his head and tells him the old man has passed away. The guard is confused, stating "but he's here on my list..." Nevertheless, the group is allowed in. Seraphina leads the group to Saan's office. On the way Yash is able to hear the voices of Mortem, the Eye and even the floating brain.   The group enters the office, and are led to a large meeting room with a high ceiling. In the room is a large round table, the seats occupied by many, many familiar faces from all across the heroes adventure. There are even some surviving Fey and the pit fiend from the third area! The eye sees the group and beckons them over, and they all take their seat. Saan commands order, and once the room is silent he begins.   "Im sure you've all heard a little about this incident with the Fey and the shard. Well, first I think we should all take some responsibility to deal with what is to come, but that can come afterwards. First, what my dear friend Rashall has to say..." Rashall comes up and explains Killos plans to return to the planet Thraast. There, he plans on creating a false Atrox, and rebuild the army it once had. Killos himself is Thraastian.   Furthermore Lord Faelax, the old king of Thraast, has hidden away a part of Thraast itself in case the Fey themselves would come to the planet itself. Although most members around the table are at odds with one another, we all agree that if Killos succeeds, all will be in severe danger. The remaining Fey will assist us, much to Yash's anger. He even gets up from his seat and grips his weapon, going so far as almost drawing Leecher in anger. Saan calms him down.   The plan will be as follows. Pretty much everyone around the table will prepare to defend THIS planet, while unsurprisingly our heroes are tasked with travelling to Thraast and stop Killos before he succeeds. Mortem, the god of death and our acquaintance from the third area, will accompany our heroes. The meeting is wrapped up, and a dragon enters the room. Usze is able to recognize the colossus as the pet lizard he fought long long ago at the entrance to the green eye's tomb in Presco. It however, is far from the tiny lizard it once was.     Lysander asks Saan if he has a room for him where he can spend the night studying Ruuch's old wizarding texts that he took with him. Yash asks who Saan really is, and Rashall himself inquires too. Saan gives a vague answer, pretty much dodging the question. Usze goes with Saan to get a new arm, and is taken back to a room more resembling a lab than a medbay. After inhaling some gas that came from Saan's cane, he awakens with a robotic left arm. He thanks Saan and is led back to the big room, where Mortem meets up with the rest. He asks when they are all ready to go. Aware of Lysander's request, the group asks to give them a night to prepare.   Mortem still wishes to brief everyone on Thraast, and using Yash's amazing hearing they manage to find Lysander in a small room, writing down and reading thick books, a little helper frantically moving around the room. Mortem gives his briefing, sharing that Thraast has a thick veil of anxiety surrounding it. He hands everyone a tiny device to place in one's ear, which gives them the ability to withstand it and not go crazy. Back in the time of Faelax it was dropped when Atrox came. He then tells them the plan is to find this remnant of Thraast that the king had hidden away. Chances are it will assist them in battling Killos.   The core of Thraast is deep within a black abyss. There are still some inhabitants alive, however the anxiety has gotten to them so they probably won't be sane. Yash goes on a little until Lysander asks everyone to stop bickering and leave him to his studies. As the group leaves, they see Saan escorting some guards. Usze recognises them as the guards from the prison of the gods he broke into long ago. In the far distance he spots Palanthus who is talking to Darren. He fidgets a little, and then decides not to approach her, feeling ashamed of what happened when they last met.   The group goes off to rest, and morning arrives. The time has come. This is for the fate of our planet. Find Killos. Stop him, or die trying.
Report Date
24 Mar 2021

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